Ashtrid POV
Its been a week. Everyday is the same thing. The guys follow me from the moment I'm out my car, either ezra or Michael sit with us at lunch. They try to get me to talk, but always fail.
I roll out of bed and slip into the shower. After my morning routine, I get dressed in a pair of high waisted black jeans, a white crop top, a jean jacket, and combat boots.
I head downstairs and eat breakfast with Jared and talk about what we have to do today and how we slept. I get up and grabs my keys, ready to leave. "Hey Princess, today your going to the mansion after school. Your uncles want you to get started in paperwork and learning more about the mafia." Offf courseeee I still have 3 weeksssss. "Ok" I sigh. I get in my car and drive to school.
As I get out, the boys are waiting for me. "Not today." I snap at them. "That the most you've said since that day your uncles came. "Yeah and today im not in the fucking mood for your questions and attempts to fucking talk to me. I got shit on my mind and unless you want to end up 6 feet under i would shut up and leave me alone." I hiss at them. They put their hands up in surrender, this causes me to smile. I stand up tall, smile and walk to class. The rest of my classes were quiet.
I walk out to see my uncle already at my table. The boys follow and sit with us. "I thought i said to leave me alone." I ask with a sigh. "Ya... But we dont know where to sit anymore... This is just so natural." Blake says. Rolling my eyes I start to eat. My uncles have begun to bring food for the boys as well since there here everyday and never eat otherwise. Quietly we eat. Finally i look at Ezra. "Why do i have to start today? I am supposed to have 3 more weeks." I complain. "Because we said." He snaps. "Watch your tone!" I snap back. "Just because i have 3 weeks left doesnt mean you can talk to me like that. I never tolerated it before and I sure as hell wont tolerate it now."
"If you weren't so damn spoiled you wouldnt be acting like this." He snapped back. "Me.. Spoiled?" I ask laughing. "Yes you get every fucking thing you want, and expect people to fall at your feet. Well guess what. You are nothing a no body and will always be a no body. All you will ever be is a weakling." He hisses. "As fucking if. You better watch yourself Ezra because the person that you are putting down right now will soon be the one you answer too." I spit standing up. "And when I reach the mansion today. I do not want you in sight..." With that I walk away. The boys follow me. "Are you alright?" Hank asks. "Im perfect." I say monotone. My face cold, and my glare deadly.
The rest of my classes went by slow. And as I walked out the boys flanked me. "Have a nice day." They say. "You too." I say. The first time I've answered them.
I drive to the mansion, and get out. I walk inside, the guards opening the door for me. I nod and give them a thank you and a smile. Walking in, grandfathers assistant walks up to me and starts rambling. I stop and look at her. "No... I want a New assistant. I want..." I began, thinking. "I want Stephanie Edwards." I say. Walking towards my office.. Grandfathers old one. The office was new. A new desk, new shelves. Same books, and same paperwork. I smile at it. I sit in the seat, grandfathsr seat... I have always loved this seat. A few minutes of enjoying the office, a small frame enters the office with her head down. "Ms. Edwards. Look at me please?" I ask. She slowly looks up. "I would like it if you would be my assistant. You would go to school with me and help me here. You dont have to. Im not forcing you." I say. Her eyes light up. "I would love too." She exclaims. "Good." I smile at her enthusiasm. "The last assistant will give you the information you need. When you get it come back in here and we will go over it." I explain, smiling at her.
As soon as she leaves, Jared and Michael storm into the office. "Why did you fire grandfathers assistant?" They yell. "Because I want my own." I explain. "She is the weakest of everyone in this gang! Hell a toddler could beat her!" Michael yells. I stand up, my chair flys back. "She is my assistant and you will respect it. I do not care if you claim she is the weakest. I will work with her if i have to!" I tell back. Just then she walks in and stand at the door. "Men leave." I order. My voice going deadly. "I-I-I didn't k-know you had this s-side of you.." Michael stutters. "Now" I order. They quickly move out of my office.
Calming down stephanie comes up to my desk and is shaking. "Im not going to yell or hurt you." I tell her. She smiles and so do I. For a few hours we go over what she needs to know, then she helps me know what i need to know. And together we learn. "Hey im going to the gym, why dont you come?" Her eyes go wide. "No... No please!" She pleades. "Hun.. Is everything ok?" I ask. "Your acting as if someone hurts you." I tell her. Her eyes go wide and tears start to form. "Someone does hurt you.. At the gym. Here?" I ask her. She nods. My eyes go cold. I stand up and grab her wrist. I pull her down the hall ways. She begins to beg me not to take her there.
We enter the room and she quickly hides her face. I pull her to the center of the room. "Attention!" I yell. My voice echos off the walls. Everyone gathers around. I turn to Stephanie. "Who does it?" I ask her. "J-joe, Damon, a-A-and Ezra." My eyes go wide. "Ezra... As is my uncle?" She nods her head and starts to cry. An idea goes through me head. She looks up at me and sees my smirk. I sit her down near the ring. "Can i get Joe to come up here?" A man about twice my sizes steps in. His muscles large. A smirk rests on his face, and it grows when he looks at Stephanie. "Start the match." I tell someone. "You want to fight little girl." I forgot that I havent showed my face much around here... Grandfathers orders.
The match starts and 5 minutes in he is on the ground knocked out. "Oh Damonnnnn" I call in a sing song voice skipping around the ring. Minutes into that match he's out cold. I look over at Stephanie, and shes watching with wide eyes. We lock eyes and i wink her. She giggles. "Oh my sweet uncle Ezra! Can you come here please. And dont act like your not here. I could smell you cheap calone the moment I stepped through the doors." I look back at Stephanie and she has a smile on her face. I walk to the corner where she is and smile at her. "Hey Steph, after this you wanna go to the gym with me?" Her smile brightens and she nods. Then her smile turns to a frown as she looks behind me. Ezra. Her eyes widen and I know he is fixing to hit me. "Back up." I whisper. She does. Seconds before his fist connects with my back I move. He flys forward and hits the ropes. Barely catching himself. He turns around and im on the other side with a smile. He glares at me. We begin to circle each other. He throws several punches. Some I dodged and some he landed. Punch after punch, kick after kick. About 30 minites later of no serious fighting, he is getting angry. "Aww is wittle ezra getting angry." I tease in a baby voice. I watch as he gets more angry. He charges me, and instead of dodging I grab his arm and sling him around. I then take him and flip him over and onto his back. I jump on top of him and begin to punch him, over and over in the face. One punch away from knocking him out I stop. "What.. Cant finish what you started?" He spits. I smirk at him. "Steph come here." I call. She does as asked, and climbs in the ring. "Do it." I say smiling and signalling to my uncle. She smiles again and punches him in the face. "The next person to pick on her or anyone else will deal with me personally!" I yell venom lacing each word. They all flinch and nod vigorously. "Good." Then I take her hand and skip out the room, out the mansion, and to my car.

only for his Queen
Action"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.