Axel pov
I leaned down and kissed her. And moments later she responded. A slow kiss. The song ends and we part. I watch as she looks down smiling and walks away. "Ashtrid please go with your cousins they'll listen to you." I hear George say. Walking up to them I notice her stomp her foot and groan. She crosses her arms and pouts her lips. Not caring that all the gangs were now watching them. "Ashtrid I said go." He warns with a glare. Rolling her eyes, she nods her head and smiles. She must love her family.
I sit down at our table and the guys are talking and smiling. Stealing a few glances my way everynow and then. But I ignore them and talk to other gang leaders.
20 minutes pass and I see Ash walking to the door in her beautiful red dress surrounded by her cousins. I watch as she put her arm around her eldest cousins waist and my blood boils. I begin to walk towards them, not knowing what ill do when I get to them. But before I reach them one of the gang leaders I think his name is Ricky steping in their way. "Oh what Queen.. Can't stand on you own feet. Still being controlled by your uncles." he chuckles. "Excuse me. " she says politely and tries to step around him. But he steps in her way again. "What.. Can't fight?" he laughs. I watch as her cousins form a wall behind her except the eldest who she still has her arm around. She looks down and then in a split second she pulls the gun from her cousins waistband and aims it at Rickys head. He goes to knock it away but she pulls the trigger. "I told you... I am more deadly from my grandfather. And I will not hesitate to fix a problem. You should have let me pass." she says as she steps over his dead body. "I need to know who you new leader will be by time I get home tonight." she says as they walk out.
Everyone goes back to their seats as Ezra steps up. "Alright guards! Clean this up please." "Mr. Black Jason Phillips will be taking over." one of Rickys members says. Ezra nods and entrusts the guards. Everything goes back to normal. My eyes keep wondering to the door.
"They're going to get into trouble. Probably just fighting and stealing. Only minor things when all together out of the mafia." Michael says from behind me. All I do is nod.Ashtrids pov
My cousins and I walk out of the ball with trouble on our minds, and smirks on our faces. We hop in 5 different cars and head out Kaden (eldest), jaxon (youngest), and myself in the leading car. Soon we pull up to the underground. And we slip out of the cars looking fly. Walking up they open the doors automatically and we walk inside. The crowd of drunk idiots part as we walk up to the ring. "Princess." The ref says. "Its Queen now." I smirk. He shares a look of shock and bows. "Welcome Queen." I giggle and he begins the fight. We spend a few hours there, a few of my cousins (jay, tae, and Josh) fight. In their suits, minus the jacket. Joshes was close but tae and jay won easy. But it helped that their opponents were drunk. Then we left with tons of cash in hand. We then raced to Walmart where we can go around spending all our money. I bought a lot of stuffed animals, clothes, nerf guns, and more nerf guns. Spending thousands on that is just hilarious. Im going to make a nerf room for when my uncles, cousins, or the boys come over. And a stuffed animal filled library because it will be one of my favorite rooms along with the nerf armory. And clothes cause I wanted them. The guys went and got drones and toy cars, planes, and helicopters. Sick right? Yeah we're awesome. We also bought a trailer to put it all in. Otherwise we would have to wait till tomorrow to get it all. We were there foreveerrrrrrrr. Some of my teddy bears were 8 foot tall. It is amazingggggg. And I ended up getting several of each nerf gun of all I could find *cough cough rest are in the mail cough cough plus a lot of modified cough cough* anyways. We finally get home and bring everything inside at like 5 in the morning. I put all the stuffed animals in a small room and the nerfs in another and lock the door. I then throw my clothes in my room and jump into the room of stuffed animals. I fall asleep and drift off into dream land, thankful that we weren't arrested this time.

only for his Queen
Action"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.