Axel POV
We get up to the first floor and everyone is passed out. "Y'all can stay the night. We have enough rooms for your men." Michael says. "Thank you. But I dont think their going to move." I say with a chuckle. Him an his brothers chuckle, "thats fine come on you can use the bedroom across from Ashtrid." He says again. We walk upstairs and to the room. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" I ask. "You can use some from here." George says as he goes into Ashtrids room. He comes back out with silk pajama pants with the tag still on them, with a pair of jeans and a shirt. "Here, there's also some for tomorrow." They nod and so do I. "Thank you." I say before going into the room. As I get in I see red walls and a black and red blankets in the bed. The other furniture was black or black with red designs. Its beautiful. I got into the bathroom which is also black and red. I take a shower and wash off the blood and change into the pajama pants. I lay on the soft bed and quickly fall asleep.
I wake up to the sun shining in my face and Hanks voice at the door. "Get up we're gonna be late for school." He says. "Ughhhh ok I'm up." I say getting out of the bed. I take another shower and put on the jeans and the button-up shirt that I got last night. I wonder who's clothes these were.
As i put on my shoes Hank, Blake, and Jake come in. "So how did it go last night?" They ask. "It was good. They wont be messing with us anymore. Did you know that they were Ashtrids parents?" I ask. They shake their heads and we walk out into the hall. "This shirt smells good." I say out of no where. "Yeah it does. What is that?" Blake says. I shrug my shoulders and keep walking.
"Well im glad you're up, I was beginning to think you died." Michael jokes. We all laugh and I notice only Ezra and Michael were up. "The others still asleep?" I ask. "Nope they left a hour ago." Ezra answers. Nodding my head we begin eating the food that was brought out to us. We just finished eating when Ezra speaks. "Hey Ash honey." We all turn and see Ashtrid in the doorway. "Who gave you those clothes?" She asks. Not taking her eyes off me. "George did. Ashtrid its the only clothes we thought would fit him." Michael defends. "It... It looks nice." She says. It looks as if she was going to cry. Slowly she walks up to me and fixes my shirt. "If you are going to wear the clothes of the best man to ever live, then you should wear it right." She says as she smooths out my shirt, and buttons another button on the shirt. A small smile forms on her lips. She takes a deep breath and her eyes snap open. "It still smells like him." She whispers. Quickly she shakes her head and walks away. "Im going home to get ready for school." She says as she walks outside.
"Sorry she misses him more than anyone else." Ezra says. "Who?" Jake asks. "Her grandfather." Michael replies. "Thats right. Thats how we figured out who she was. Shes the only girl that wouldnt be freaked out by blood, lost her grandfather, and had the last name black. Which we didnt know her last name till one of the security guards said it." Hank explains. Nodding we get up to leave. "Well if we dont leave now then we will be late." Blake says. "Right well have a good day, and you can keep the clothes. Im sure having it come back will break Ash." Michael says. I nod and we walk outside. We get in our cars and head to school.
We sit outside again... Why do we wait on this girl I have no idea. "Probably because shes our friend and the Queen of the Mafia." Jake informs. Oh rightttttt. They laugh at me. Soon she pulls up, as soon as she gets out I notice her sweatpants and hoodie, along with her ponytail that looks like she did it quickly and her eyes. Her red puffy eyes. Her tear stained cheeks. Then she quickly throws her arms around me and breaths in the cologne. "I miss you grandfather. So much. My king." She whispers before letting go, wiping the tears out of her eyes and off her cheeks, and walking into the school. "What was that?" Hank asks. "What did she say?" Blake asks. "Is she ok?" Jake asks. "She fines." I say as we follow her inside. As we get inside we see Haven walking towards Ashtrid. "Call her uncles. Its not going to be good." I order. I speed up and begin jogging towards Ashtrid. But im not quicks enough. Haven slams her locker closed and Ashtrid looks at her fingers that were caught in it and it seems that without a thought Ashtrids fist flys through the air and connects with Havens face. But she doesnt stop. She keeps punching her. It takes half the football team to pull her off of haven and the other half to get haven out of her grip.
Soon Michael walks through the hallway and Ashtrid is glaring daggers at Haven. "What the hell happened here!" He booms. "The bitch slammed my locker on my fingers." She spits out. "And why is the entire football team here?" He asks. She doesnt answer. "We had to pull them away from each other." One says. "So why are you all here?" Michael asks. "Because it took half of us to get her off of Haven and it took the other half to get Haven out if her grip." Another player says. Michael turns to glare at Ashtrid when he sees her smirking. "Ashtrid!" He scolds. All she does it smirk and roll her eyes. "Mr. Black? You can come in now." The principal says. "You too Mr. Roberts." I get up and me and Michael walk inside. "So this is her first time fighting, that have been on record. So we are going to let her off with a warning." Principal Bryan says. "Thank you. She wont do it again." Michael says. "Mr. Roberts you were there and i notice you and your friends have gotten close to her. I want you to keep an eye on her." He finishes. "Oh I dont think thats a good idea." I say. "Why?" "Well she doesnt like being followed and I'm pretty sure she would fight them as well." Michael says. "She will have to deal with it." Principal Bryan says. Michael nods but stays quiet. "Fine but only for a week. If I get punched then I'm coming after you." I grit. With a nod we both walk out and shes gone.. Of course.

only for his Queen
Action"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.