Axels POV
It is 9 an no sign of Ash. Her uncles are looking worried and its setting me on edge. George keeps looking at his watch. But right now I am standing with Hank, Blake, and Jake. We are all wearing all black suits but each of our ties are different. Hanks is white.. I think he did it because of his name... Dont ask. Blake's is a teal color. Jake is black.. Lameeee and mine is red, because I am told red conplements me... Actually Stephanie bought this for me. I dont know. She just walked up to me one day and said to wear it and not tell anyone. But anyways. We all are looking great! The only others in all black suits is her uncles and they are wearing gold ties. Im snapped out of my thoughts by the doors opening. Glancing at her uncles, i see they have relaxed. Looking at the door, Ashtrid walks in looking gorgeous in a vibrant red dress, her hair is braided to look like a crown. I notice a bracelet that she doesnt normally wear and a ring on her right hand. But thats all i can see. I wonder what they look like. The room goes quiet as she enters and Jared, her bodyguard, escorts her to the stage where her uncles are waiting. The boys and i make our way up front so we are in our seats closest to the stage. Im pretty sure Stephanie picked these for us. Ashtrid and her uncles exchange a few words that are unknown to anyone else. Then they turn to the crowd. 3 uncles on one side and 2 on the other. Ezra speaks.. "Today we are here to celebrate my neices 18th birthday and her offical ceremony. So please everyone give a big round of applause to the new Queen of the Mafia." Everyone including ourselves stand up and clap. My eyes never leaving Ashtrid. Shes beautiful. To beautiful for words. I watch as she steps up to the mike after giving her uncles a thank you. "Hello everyone. My name is Ashtrid Black. But you are to call me Black unless told otherwise. I might seem nice. But I am more deadly than my grandfather. And I will not hesitate to fix any problems. Now lets all have a drink and celebrate today." Her voice sounding as beautiful as ever. "Someone has a crush." Blake whispers. "I do not!" I whisper yell. They all smirk as I turn around to face them, as Ashtrid decends the stage stairs being greated by almost a dozen very good looking guys. Who happen to be around our age. I have no chance. We begin to eat the food that was just brought out to us. Steak and potatos. A delicious meal.
All of a sudden the guys stand up, not knowing what was happening I stand up as well. "Queen." Someone says with a slight bow as they pass. "Hey guys!" Ashtrids voice comes from behind me. Twirling around I come face to face with Ashtrid. "Hello black." I great her, remembering her words from earlier. "Oh you dont have to call me that. None of you guys do. But other than my family and Steph you are the only ones." She tells us. A smile finds its way to my face. "Ashtrid, dad wanted me to tell you that you have to move into the mansion now. Or at least a mansion." One of the boys from earlier says. "Fine.. But if i must move in then everybody else must move out." She says without looking at me. "Not gonna happen princess." He says. "Jaxon if you don't leave me alone I will smash your head into this table." She warns. "Oh come on cuz! We havent seen each other in years!" The boy.. Jaxon.. Whines. "Yeah because last time you got arrested and I had to spend the night in prison because you just couldnt keep your mouth shut." Ash snaps. "At least introduce me to your friends." He says again in a bit of a strong tone. Letting out a groan she turns towards him "Jaxon, my friend, guys my cousin." She says motioning between us. "So what.. No names?" Jaxon asks. "Nope now leave." "Ashtrid, stop being mean to your cousin and jaxon leave her alone before she kicks your butt." Jonathan says. "But dad!" Jaxon whines. All the while Ashtrid just rolls her eyes and keeps eating. Finally Jonathan and Jaxon leave. "Sorry about that.. Jaxon is the youngest boy out of us cousins and he can be annoying and clingy." She explains. "Its fine." We say. She smiles and we all continue to eat.
After about a hour the music gets a small bit louder. "May I have this dance?" One of her cousins asks. She takes his hand and he leads her to the dance floor. Where they begin to slow dance. But not to closely. Looking around. I notice that her cousins and uncles are the only ones wearing gold clothing. I guess thats their way of saying who they are. Soon all of her cousins have danced with her and all of her uncles except ezra has danced with her. And as expected he walks up to her as a song starts.
"This was Grandfathers favorite song." Someone says from the table beside ours. Looking over I notice that her cousins are on one side and her uncles are in the other. It was one of her cousins that said it. Looking over I catch the eye of the eldest. "You should dance with her next. She will need the support." He says. Nodding my head I look back at them. Ashtrids crying and lays her head on her uncles shoulder. Soon we make eye contact and she gives me a small sad smile. And I smile back. Without realizing is I stand up and make my way towards her. Reaching them just as the song ends. "May I have this dance my Queen?" I ask. "Of course my... Of course." She says. Catching herself. I wounder what she was going to say. Instead of dwelling on it. I take her hand and pull her close. Her arms make their way around my neck and my hands rest just above her hips. And we dance slowly. I get lost in her eyes as we dance. Everything begins to fade from around us and its just us. Me and her. Her and I.
The song slow and beautiful. Her tears dry as I wipe the last one away with the pad of my thumb. My hand rests on her cheek and i just stare into her eyes.
Without realizing it I...

only for his Queen
Action"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.