"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.
Ashtrid POV I rolled out of bed with a BOOM! And layed there. Jared ran into the room, gun in hand. "Did you..." He laughs a little, "fall out of bed?" I bent backwards in my cacoon of blankets and starred at him. Yup.. I'm doin the superman... Or well.. Trying to. He busts out laughing. After like 5 minutes of him laughing, like rolling on the floor laughing. He finally helps me up and out of my blankets. "Im sorry Princess... Its just.." He starts with a huge smile on his face. "Hilarious." I finish for him chuckling. "Yeah.. Yeah it was." We both laugh again, before I get ready for school. Today is my last day of freedom beforr I am offically the Queen of the mafia. Today is Friday, and tomorrow we are having a huge ball, yes ball, for both my birthday and the ceremony for me to become the Queen of the Mafia and take my Grandfathers place. My uncles have invited all of our allies. Which includes our newest, The Red Roses, A.K.A Axel and the boys. But sadly after school today I have to go shopping for my dress... I cant believe they're making me wear a damn dress. Ughhh. I am finally dressed and am wearing a grey hoodie that says "school kills my vibe" in black letters, and jeans with vans. I tie my hair into a messy bun on top of my head, slinging my bag over my shoulder I grab my keys and walk to my car. On the way to school I grab a coffee. So now I am stepping outside of my car with my bag slung over my shoulder, keys and coffee in hand, in a over-sized hoodie and a messy bun. You know that I dont care today, or lazy look. Yup and im rocking it. Taking a sip of my coffee I go to the boys. "So y'all still coming tomorrow?" I ask. "Yup!" They say in unison, all except for Axel. Hm I wonder whats wrong? "Cool! Ill see yall later!" I say walking away. I get my books out of my locker and head to class. My classes went by slow as all hell I actually snapped at a idiot in class for picking on a sweet nerdy looking girl, and I almost got into a fight with Ms. Barbie. But now its lunch. I walk outside and see Michael and the boys at our table. "So what's up." I say as I sit down. "Nothing much. How was ur job last night." Michael answers. My eyes go wide. Axel saw my underwear. "Oh yea! I almost forgot about that!" I lie. I caught Axels eye for a second before answering. "It was quite easy. Like seriously he should have made sure his drugs worked first. Like damn!" I explain. Recognition flashes in Axels eyes. "Thats good." Michael says. Everyone agrees and we eat. "So..." Michael breaks the silence. "What kind of dress are you going to get?" He finishes with a smirk. Letting out a groan I answer, "I dont know yet." "What dress?" Jake asks. "These booty holes are making me wear a dress tomorrow." I tell him while pointing and glaring at Michael. They all let out a laugh, earning a eye roll from me. Finally i go inside to class to finish my stupid classes with hopefully not killing anyone. Its still a possibility...
I walk out to my car now that school is over with a resting bitch face on. I am going to pick out a dress, then I'm going to get a mani-pedi and go home to eat and sleep. Cause tomorrow I have to wake up at like 5 and go to the mansion to do some paperwork and talk to some members about what could be done to improve our Mafias and see whats going on there. Then at like 6 in the afternoon I have to do my hair an make-up for the ball which starts at 8. How great! I might get a massage tomorrow before I get ready... Nah ill do it today.
I drive to the best dress shop in town and begin to look around. After 2 hours i found a beautiful red slit evening gown, with a v-neck line that goes just a little below my chest. The slit is dangerously high. The color is a bright and vibrant red, that honestly goes with my dirty blonde hair.
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After I pay for the dress I go and get a Mani-pedi and get black and red matte stiletto nails.
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Afterwards I go to get a massage and head home. Falling asleep the second my body hits the bed.