Ashtrids pov
Its been 2 ducking months! An the bitch seems to always have her eye on axel or myself. And yesterday fucking yesterday! Ooooo she came up and introduced herself as August timbers when her real name is August Jacobs. Now I know she's up to something. The entire time I couldn't help but glare at the bitch. And it pissed her off when axel saw cause he wrapped a arm around my waist and kissed my forehead before whispering "im yours and only yours my queen." and yes me and axel are official. I was smiling all day when he asked me. I seriously acted like a little school girl. But back to yesterday. It had pissed her off and I just closed my eyes and smiled. And not a minute later we left. Blake glared to cause I've informed him of who she is and all the info I have on her. I just really wish I could tell Axel. "Its for his own good. If he knew then he would kill her or deny it. And so far we have no proof." Blake tells me from the door way. I nod. "Hey babe!" axels voice rings down the hallway. "Yeah!" I call back. "What you guys talking about?" he asks, kissing my forehead. "Oh nothing really just a secret mission that's perfect for Blake." I say calmly. "Ooo secret as in your uncles know or secret as in only you two know?" he asks. "Secret as in us and uncle j know." I tell him and he nods. "Dangerous?" "don't know yet.. Just waiting to find out the last bit of information." Blake answers. He makes a 'o' with his mouth and slowly nods his head. "Sounds fun." he exclaims kissing my cheek. I grin and begin to blush. "I love it when you blush... And id also love it if you would do on a date with me." he says and my breath hitches. I turn towards him surprise converting my features. "Of course!" I scream and tackle him in a hug. "Alright alright how about next weekend since we have a shipment coming in this weekend?" he says propping himself up on his elbows and I nod with a never ending smile on my face. "Good. I already have what I want you to wear and ill deliver it the day of." "alright." I say giggling and hiding my blushing face in the pillows. He begins tickling me and I jerk around. My eyes search for somethingnto hit him with and notice Blake isn't here anymore. I end up grabbing a pillow and hitting him. Which turns into a pillow fight. "Pillow fight!" Hank yells from the hall. I hear the guys footsteps running into the room and I run into the hall and to the living-room where they follow me. And that is where we end up having the pillow fight.
So right now we are sitting on the living-room floor and Jared is standing infront of us tapping his foot with his hands on his hips. Its hilarious and cute so I slyly take out my phone and go to take a picture... Except I didn't know the flash was on and he saw. My eyes go huge and I stare at Jared. He looks sooooo mad so I did the only thing I thought of and took another picture with the flash still on. Jared eyes widened and he lunged at me as soon as Michael and Ezra walk through the door. Yes he called my uncles cause I got feathers everywhere meany! Little do the guys know ill probably get them and Jared to join the next round. Someone clears their throat and Jared and I stop wrestling immediately. "Um hey guys! How are you on this lovely day!" I say pushing Jared to the side and laying on my side with my head propped up on my hand. "What is this!" Michael exclaims. "Pillow fight?" I squeak out. His eyes turn into saucers. I smile sheepishly at them. Michael lets out a frustrated huff while Ezra laughs. Michael abruptly turns to Ezra and begins scolding him. So I take this chance and escape. Sorry guys. I reach my office and shake my head chuckling.
And before I know it im elbow deep in work. I got a lot of planning to do and a lot of shipments to put into place. Not to mention people owe me money and I want it now!After a few minutes Michael and Ezra burst through my door furious.
Axels pov
I watched Michael and Ezra scold each other and out the corner of my eye I notice ash leaving. Glancing at her I see her mouth "sorry guys." and then she was gone. So me Jared and the guys sat down and watched TV while the old married couple bicker.
After a few minutes I decide to break the silence between us on the couch. And say the first thing that came to mind. "So hows that mission going Blake?" I turn slightly and see his eyes go wide. "Um.. Good I guess can't talk about it ya know." "oh shit ya sorry that was the first thing to come to mind to break the silence here on the couch." I smile sheepishly. "What is it some kind of secret mission?" Jake asks. "Um.... Ya." Blake answers unsure. "Guys he can't say anything about it so let change the subject." I say. "Hold it." Ezra voice comes from behind me. Just then I notice that they stopped bickering. "What secret mission?" Michael asks glaring. Blake at this point looks like a deer in headlights. "Um uh... You see um." he fumbles over his words. "Don't worry about it guys. Its between ash Jonathan and him. They got it covered." I say nonchalantly. What sounds close to a growl comes from behind me before 2 sets of loud feet go pounding up the stairs. "Oh shit. I just fucked up." I say staring at the TV. "Nah don't worry about it. Ash will set them strait." Blake says with hope in his voice. I oh so fucked up... Big time. "Right." I say unsure. A minute later all sounds upstairs cease, they have made it to ash's sound proof office. "Blake please come to my office." ash's voice carries through the house through the intercoms. I watch him get up as if nothing is wrong. Maybe just maybe everything is ok.Ashtrids pov
"What the hell crawled up your asses?" I ask my uncles who just barged into my office. "What secret mission?!" they boom. "Ughhh I knew I shouldn't have told him shit!" I exclaim. "Answer me." Ezra orders. "First off don't you dare fucking order me. Second sit the fuck down before I make you." I growl. "Blake please come to my office." I call through the intercom. "He isn't the one who told us." Michael says. "I know... ash did. But I want Blake here when I explain it to you." I say, and they not their heads.
Soon Blake enters the room. And we are all sitting down. "Alright listen and listen well ill only say this once." they nod. "Axel has a girl following him and watching his every move. So far we have found no ties to any gang. She's a military brat and she's ok trained in combat but good with a gun." they nod. "She introduced herself the other day and used a fake last name so we know she's hiding something and is up to something. We are just waiting to figure out what it is exactly she's here to do. So far the only tie I've found between axel and her is 5th grade. Then she moved away and now she's back. And she... She..." I grit my teeth trying to get out the sentence. "The girl like axel." Blake explains. "Yea that." I grit out. My uncles faces light up with understanding. "So you aren't bringing the mafias into this because you don't believe it has anything to do gang related." Michael says. "Correct. Uncle j is helping us dig up information but other than that no one else knows... Well not to our knowledge." I say. "So you think she gonna take your man." Ezra says smirking. "Ezra.. If all she did was flirt I wouldn't give two shits. But I think she wants to do more than break us up. I believe she's in love with him... And im scared of what this love she has for him will make her do." I say lowering my head at the many thoughts that run through my head. A single tear drops down on my desk. "Oh god this is serious. What do you think she'll do?" Ezra asks hurriedly. "We don't know.." Blake says looking between them and me. "But my bet is that she's going to kidnap him and after that.. Anything could happen." he finishes. "Oh wow... What can we do?" Michael asks. "Right now... Nothing. I just don't want axel alone outside of the house. Blake has promised to do his best to stay with him or make sure one of the others do." I tell them. Michael and Ezra nod. And with that we end our little unexpected meeting. And I tell them i will call them if anything changes. And that ill also clean up the living-room. Which sadly I stuck to my word and did.
Dinner was fun-fucking-tastic. I made a steak dinner for everyone on the grill out back. Then the guys offered to wash dishes which I gladly took. I hate doing dishes they are my number one enemy.
I took a shower and am now in my pjs and snuggled in bed watching fast and furious 8. A damn good movie. Slowly my door opens and axels head pops in smiling. My grip on the gun between my headboard and mattress loosens. And I smile at him as he joins me on the bed. And soon sleep over takes my senses and I welcome it in open arms.

only for his Queen
Azione"On your knees!" August yells. And slowly I comply. But I don't get one knee on the ground before another voice joins in. "Only for his Queen." My head snaps in her direction.