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I walked silently behind Candace, keeping my hands tight over her eyes so she can't peek.

I want this to be a complete surprise.

I just hope she likes it.

"Johnny, why can't I look?" Candace asked.

"Because it's a surprise." I said matter of faculty.

"You know I don't like surprises." She grumbled.

"Well, I think you're gonna like this one." I told her with a smile.

She put her hands over mine and held them there.

I pulled her to a stop and slowly moved my hands.

"Keep your eyes covered." I said softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

She kept her hands there and I laid my head on her shoulder.

I kissed her shoulder and she leaned her head against the side of mine.

"Open." I said.

She moved her hands down and she gasped.

"Wow. This is amazing." She said, as she pulled away from me and started walking around the recording studio.

"It's nothing much, but this is where me and the guys make the magic happen." I said, trying to keep my voice free of emotion.

Because now, we're not complete.

And our music is missing something key.

Something we can never get back.

I closed my eyes and soon felt Candace's arms around me.

"It's okay." She murmured, laying her head against my chest.

I didn't hold her or even say anything.

I just pulled away and gave myself a minute.

Candace stayed quiet and gave me my space which I was grateful for.

A moment later I turned around and held my hand out for her to come to me.

Her fingers intwined with mine and I felt warm again.

I looked up at her eyes, those ocean blue eyes that could suck me in in an instant.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

She looked around and grinned.

"I love it. It's amazing. I can just imagine you sitting over there on the couch, listening to Matt sing and critiquing him with everyone else. I've never been in a recording studio. It's a lot cooler than I could've imagined." She said with a grin.

I smiled down at her.

"But what I like best, is thatyouwork here. You've seen where I work, and it's nothing special. But here. You guys make history in here. It's an amazing thought." She said with a grin.

I looked down.

"You know, I've never thought of it like that." I admitted.

Candace stayed quiet.

"I've always seen it as a place where I can kick back, make music with my best friends." I said quietly.

Candace gave me a tight hug.

"Not that I don't appreciate it but, why did you bring me here?" She asked softly.

"I want you to see this place, and get comfortable with the environment. The guys have been talking about going back in to the studio to finish the album. And we're gonna be really busy, so, we're gonna need an assistant. I haven't talked to the guys yet, but I'm sure they'll be cool with it. And if you want the job, it's yours." I told her quietly.

I waited for her response, not really knowing how she was going to react to my offer.

She would either love it, or hate it.

That's just how Candace is sometimes.

I looked down at her, and her eyes were filling up with tears.

My eyes widened in shock.

I pulled her tight against my chest and pulled her face up so she would look at me.

"Candace! What's wrong?" I asked her frantically.

I pulled her over to the couch and sat down, pulling her into my lap.

She didn't say anything, just sniffled as I held her close to me.

It was a few minutes later that her sniffling stopped.

I looked at her and held her face with my hands.

"Candace, please talk to me." I pleaded.

She looked up at me and there was a tear rolling down her cheeks.

I wiped it away with my fingertip and looked at her.

"Candy?" I asked softly.

"It's you Johnny." She mumbled.

My eyes widened in confusion.


What the hell did I do?

"Me?" I said aloud.

"Yeah, you. You're just so sweet and great to me. And I've never done anything to deserve it. I'm just a stripper. I don't want to take advantage of you." She cried.

"Candace, you're not taking advantage of me. I'm offering you a job so you don't have to strip anymore. Because I know you hate doing it, and I know it makes you feel like shit. I hate knowing that. I don't want you to feel that way anymore." I told her honestly.

She looked up at me and there was a small smile on her face.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine softly.

"Thank you." She whispered, laying her forehead against mine.

"Does that mean yes?" I asked her with a smile.

"That's a hell yes and thank you so much." She grinned.

I grinned widely and hugged her tightly to me.


Now I just need to talk the guys into thinking we need an assistant.


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