Chapter 30

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Good afternoon! My next dedication goes to... @sushi-reads <3
I thought I was done with dedications, but then all of the sudden she shows up and votes on EVERY SINGLE chapter in a row, comments like crazy and is overall an amazing fangirl!
I'm so happy and lucky to have AWESOME supporters like you guys. Keep doing what you love <3 ;)
Also, I know you guys don't really care but my story was bumped down to 9th place on Thomesa! I'm actually know kinda annoyed right now.

It's fine though, it probably means people like those stories, so I'll just keep writing and hope that my spot goes back up or something idek😂

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It's fine though, it probably means people like those stories, so I'll just keep writing and hope that my spot goes back up or something idek😂

Thomas' POV-

Thomas didn't remember getting stabbed in the shoulder. He just remembered Jansons face, covered in black and blue veins and blood dripping from his mouth.
A Crank.
As Teresa sat with him, he wanted her to explain why she was acting strange. She kept looking out the window, fake smiling, and putting on a brave face for him.
He wanted her to feel comfortable around him.
She sighed.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she said. "Just thinking."
"About what?" He asked.
She looked at him and did another fake smile.
She sighed again.
"Remember getting out of the Last City on the Berg?" She asked.
Thomas nodded. He remembered that day clearly. Brenda throwing him on, sacrificing herself before the building collapsed and she fell down.
"I thought you were dead," she admitted.
"Like I was never going to see you again. But when Brenda threw you on the Berg, I rushed over to help you. You were half conscious, but I told you I was sorry. I said I tried."
Teresa looked out of the window again. Thomas' wound on his shoulder was staring to hurt. He laid back down.
"You said 'I know' and that's when you fell asleep," she continued.
She looked back at him.
"You forgave me."
Thomas didn't know really what to say. It was one of those stories where it was best to keep quiet.
"And then, after you fell asleep, I cried. Like a stupid, little girl."
Teresa's eyes were now brimmed with tears.
"I can't believe I cried over you," She said.
"Ever since the Scorch, I wanted to keep you alive. I did everything I could to save you. Even if it meant betraying you and the others.
And ever since then, you made me feel so bad about myself. Like I did everything wrong."
Thomas wasn't sure where she was going with this.
"I forgave you," he said.
Teresa nodded.
"I know," she replied. "Thank you."
Thomas didn't know what to do or what to say. She was clearly upset about something.
"It's just, when I made the prediction that Janson was behind all of this, you didn't seem to trust me or believe that I was right. And to be honest, I didn't trust myself. Nobody's perfect.
But this time I was right. But no one will ever know it. They will just keep thinking I'm the idiotic betrayer who doesn't care about anybody. They're just waiting for me to turn against them again."
Teresa wiped away a tear on her face.
"Teresa, no one thinks that. They all like you-"
"No they don't! Don't you see it? You, Minho, Newt, Harriet and Frypan are the only ones who forgave me. Jorge still blames me on Brenda's death! And Gally..."
Teresa paused. She looked at him with sadness.
"Gally still calls me a traitor. He still thinks I'm going to all of sudden turn against you guys for WICKED. When will anyone realize that I'm on your side!"
Teresa slumped down on the chair next to Thomas' bed. He felt so bad for her, but he felt more angry towards the people that hurt her.
"It's only Gally and Jorge. I'll talk them, I'll make it better for-"
"It's too late," she interrupted. "They both told the whole Paradise about me. I can't walk around without people staring at me, watching my every move."
"What are you saying?" Thomas asked.
Teresa took a deep breath and sat up.
"I'm saying that all these months have gone by, thinking that what I've done was completely wrong. But now, you've seen that I can be right. I just want you to know, that I'm not a bad person. That people make mistakes and it's only right to forgive them.
I just want you to know that."
Thomas was stunned.
All of these months, and Teresa was treated like crap. By some of his closest friends. And she was right. Everyone deserves a chance to be trusted again.
"I know," he said and reached for her hand. She hesitated before placing her hand in his.
"I'm sorry."
Teresa looked at him and did that fake smile again.
"They messed us up pretty good, didn't they?" She asked.
Thomas squeezed her hand. It was not like Teresa to show weakness. She was a tough, strong girl who never lost without a fight.
It pained him to say that the girl of his dreams was suddenly fading away.
"They sure did."

The ending is kinda messed up, but I hope that was a good piece of Thomesa for today. See y'all later!

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