Chapter 47

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Thomas' POV-

Thomas knew Teresa was now on board. She probably always was, she just never really admitted it.
They were both in their house, packing up their things, taking everything they could fit in a small bag. As Thomas was almost finished, he heard Teresa quietly crying.
"Teresa? Are-are you okay?" He asked walking over to her.
"It's just...the Paradise is my home. I'm leaving the second I get here. You don't understand. It's different for you."
"It's really not," Thomas told her.
"We've both lost someone. Someone very close to us. For you, it's your mom. And I'm more than sorry that you lost her, but just imagine how heartbroken your dad is, knowing his daughter is somewhere in the world that he doesn't know. In his mind, you could be lost, or sick, or injured. And he's probably worrying about you. And on top of everything, he lost his wife a few years ago. He's had no one to help him cope with it."
"What if he doesn't recognize me? Or love me? You know...what if I can't get back to him?"
"I'll get you back to him. You will see him, Teresa. You just have to let go of the past," Thomas said.
"What about you? What happens if I'm on the other side of the world?"
"Well," Thomas started.
"Life is like that sometimes. You just have to find a way to go with it."
Thomas repeated his own words. He told Newt that when they entered the Scorch.
"Goodbye isn't forever, you know. Teresa, you're my best friend. If I lose you, I lose my sanity."
Thomas stepped forward and embraced her in a hug. He didn't even think about what would happen if they didn't live close to each other. The thought scared him, but he had to act strong for her.
"I'm never leaving you," he whispered.

"Maybe now is a good time to talk to you," Frypan told Thomas as he was walking with him down to the beach.
"Yeah, what's up?" Thomas asked.
"I've made my decision. I'm not going with you on the boats. I-I can't."
"Why? Fry, you have every right to come with us."
"There's at least five people already staying. I have to be their leader. I have to cook for them, I have to just be there for them," he explained.
"W-What about Gally? He's going to take over the second Newt leaves," Thomas said.
"Gally doesn't scare me. This is my island now. And he either respects me, or he doesn't," he said and stood taller.
Thomas laughed.
"You will be missed, buddy," he said and they both shared a hug.
"To be clear, you're not leaving today, right?" Frypan asked.
"Tomorrow evening," Thomas said.
"I'll make sure to say a proper goodbye tomorrow."
Frypan smiled and walked off.
"So.." said a voice.
Thomas looked behind him.
"So far, 32 people are going. And only five are staying. You know, congrats Thomas. You win."
Gally stepped forward, his fists clenched.
"Gally, it's not my choice. People want to leave. They can't stay on an island when they know that family is closer than ever," Thomas explained.
"What kind of island only has five people on it?" Gally asked.
"This one."
(A/n, *crowd cheers*)
"I can't be the leader of four people. All of the groups are going home, which leaves me here to deal with four people? Convince others to stay," he demanded.
"First of all, Frypan is the new leader, and second, I'm not going to convince people to stay when they've already made their choice. It's simple."
Thomas was about to walk away when Gally spoke up again.
"You know what. Fine. I'll lead these four people and I'll make sure they never regret staying! Ever!"
"Yeah, okay, good. You do that," Thomas commented back, still walking.

"Hey man," said a British accent coming from behind him.
"Hey, Newt. Are you all packed?"
"I wanted to talk to you about that. I'm staying."
Thomas stopped dead in his tracks.
"Before you say anything, hear me out. I heard your convo with Gally. If he's going to take the place as the 'new leader' is going to be hell. We all know he can't lead and if Frypan try's taking over, Gally is not going to like it. And I can't have that. Sonya is going though. She and I talked and she will tell my parents everything. They will be happy for me. Trust me, Tommy. If there's two people that should be going, it should be you and Teresa. You guys deserve the world."
Tears threatened to spill all over Thomas' face. He was about to lose his best friend from the beginning. His first friend, his other half, the one who believed in him and always fought for him.
"Newt, you deserve more than me. You've been in that Maze for three years. I can't imagine the hell you've been through. And for what? Nothing. Newt, I can't have that. You-you have to go. You can explore. You can see the world. You're 17 years old. Life is going to be long, and all you have is this island." A tear eventually made its way down.
"I don't know how to convince you, but you have to come. I demand it."
"All I can say is, life is like that sometimes," Newt said. "You just have to find a way to go around it."

I'm officially unstable! I can't anymore with this story. I have had so many reads (5k 🤧) and votes and nice comments and you guys are my everything! I can't thank each and every one of you guys enough!
This story now has 2 more chapters. And I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do. I really really hope y'all stick with me bc MAYBE there will be a sequel, but until then, enjoy these last few chapters😭

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