Chapter 46

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I just want to know, where is everyone's dream vacation??
Mine is either Paris, France or Hawaii. (Btw my autocorrect is still broken sooooo😅)

Teresa's POV-

Harriet checked Eric's pulse and his heartbeat was steady.
Newt, Minho, Thomas, Frypan, And Gally we're all packed in the tent along with Harriet and Teresa.
They were going to check on the sick boy when he was about to wake up to see if the virus was being killed.
Teresa held Thomas' hand, waiting for him to be awake.
"He's stable," Harriet said.
Everyone sighed in relief.
"When will he be awake?" Minho asked. 
"I don't know. Maybe in an hour, maybe in a couple of days. We don't know."
"He's been asleep for two days already and he hasn't eaten in a week!" Teresa exclaimed, moving forward.
"Hey, Teresa," Thomas whispered to her, pulling her back.
"Just let her do her thing."
"He'll have to wake up on his own. We can't force it upon him. He'll never get better," Harriet exclaimed.
"Fine, but when he wakes up, I want a meal in front of him, you got that Fry?" Gally said.
"That won't be a problem," Frypan replied.
"It shouldn't," Gally said back.
Frypan left the tent.
Teresa still gripped Thomas' hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
She looked up at him.
"Can we talk?" She replied.

"I don't know why, but I'm starting to rethink going on the boats," Teresa said quickly.
They were sitting on their favorite tree branch, watching the ocean. (A/n, ahh this kinda makes me sad bc I remember when I first wrote this scene with them on the tree branch on like chapter 10 lol)
"W-why? Teresa we're going home. Why don't you want that?" Thomas asked.
"No. I do! I want to see my dad so bad. But there are people that need to go home more than I do. There's about 35 people on this island. Think about it. Can we fit all of those people on four boats?" Teresa asked.
"I would assume so. Ava sent them and-"
"Ava sent them?!" Teresa exclaimed.
"So WICKED is behind this?!"
"No-yes...I don't know. The daughter of Ava is here. And she's leaving in like two days. We have a day and a half to pack and decide."
Teresa knew that it wasn't right going with WICKED, but Thomas was her friend. BEST friend. Boyfriend, even. She knew that he would never do anything to hurt her. But she also knew he was stubborn and didn't think straight.
"Can I just introduce you to her?" He asked.
Teresa sighed.

"I think this is it," Thomas said, looking at the ocean where four boats lie.
Then she heard guns being loaded and in position.
She looked around, looking for the people who were loading the guns.
"It's Thomas," he called. "I'm here with my girlfriend. I-I want to show her-"
"Thomas," someone interrupted.
Teresa and him turned around to look at a girl in a brown shirt and camouflage pants. She had a black rifle strung across her shoulder.
"Zoey, this is-" Thomas started.
"Teresa Agnes," she interrupted.
Teresa backed up a little. How did she know her name?
"It's okay," Thomas reassured and pushed her forward.
They shook hands.
"So, does she want to talk about the plan?" Zoey asked.
"She already knows the plan. She just wants to know you a bit better."
"Ah, it's a trust thing right?" Zoey asked.
Teresa looked at Thomas.
"She's just a little shy," Thomas laughed.
"It's fine. When people find out Ava Paige is my mother, they don't trust me either."
"I don't know whether to go or not. I think other people deserve the chance to go home instead of me," Teresa explained.
"I get it. But we know there's exactly 37 people on this island. And my mother predicted that some would want to stay. So, there's room for 30 people. Only seven have to stay behind and I don't think that's going to be a problem," Zoey explained.
"But what if it is?" Teresa questioned.
Zoey looked at Thomas.
Thomas shrugged.
"I-I don't think all 37 will want to go, right?" Zoey asked.
"Probably not," Teresa admitted. "But what if 31 people want to go?"
Zoey laughed. "We can squeeze 31 people into the boats."
Teresa relaxed a bit.
"Thank you," She said.
Thomas smiled at her.
"No problem. And, Thomas!" Zoey said.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Remember, if everyone isn't here in two days, we're leaving. And we're not coming back."
"Yes. We will be here," Thomas promised.

Oof this chap is probably super boring for y'all 🤓
Good news is that, I'll update more often now that I'm on break! Bad news, is that this story is wrapping up. For real 😉

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