Chapter 38

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I'm once again so sorry that the letter didn't show up to some peeps. I hope this chapter is okay. I might add some feels in it. I don't know yet. But, let's see how it turns out lol. Bye for now!

Thomas' POV-

"You...your mom is dead and there's no point in going! So maybe it is better if you stay."
Thomas immediately regretted what he said.
He knew he went to far because he saw Teresa's face drop. A few tears escaped her eyes as she looked down.
"I...I didn't mean that," he told her. Teresa turned around and walked away from him.
Thomas didn't know why he said that. He was mad, and scared of losing her. He lashed out instead of talking and working things out.
It killed him that he said those words to her.
"Teresa, wait!" He called, but she was already half way up the hill.
Thomas felt bad. Really bad. But he knew he had to leave this place. It's not home. It never will be. His parents are alive, they miss him and he wants to see them. He needs to convince Teresa to come as well.
Then again, he doesn't really know what she wants to do.
He only thought she wanted to stay because there was really no point in going.
But he can't make decisions for her. He needed talk to her.

"Teresa, are you in there?" Thomas knocked on their door.
He heard feet shuffling on the floor.
"Teresa, I know you're in there. Please. Can we talk? I messed up, okay?"
Thomas knocked again, a little softer.
He put his hand, palm down on the door.
"Please, Teresa."
Still no answer.
Thomas was about to walk away, when he heard the door unlock. He turned around, but the door was still closed. He walked up to it and put his hand on the door knob. He slowly pushed the door open.
It felt weird going into his own house, feeling like he didn't belong.
"Teresa?" He called.
He noticed her, laying on their bed, with the sheets pulled over her chest.
"Teresa, I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was just..."
"-Save it, Thomas."
Ohhh no. She's calling me by my first name.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I guess I was just scared of losing you. I shouldn't have made your decisions for you and I shouldn't have guessed that you wanted to stay. It's up to you, not me, but I would really like it if you went with me."
Thomas spoke his heart. He meant every word of his apology. Teresa looked at him.
"You made it sound like I don't care about my family. Yeah, my mom died. But my dad is still alive. I was never really close to him, but he loved me just like I loved him."
Thomas sat down on the edge of their bed.
"You're right. There is a point in going. As I got the letter, I finally thought that I could go home. And honestly, I wanted to take you with me. I want a life with you," he admitted.
Teresa looked back up st the ceiling, letting a tear escape her eye.
"Are you okay?" He asked her.
Teresa shook her head.
"I've been so selfish lately. I've only thought about myself. It's not right and I'm-"
"That's not true, Teresa," Thomas interrupted.
"You care about other people and you put them in your shoes. That's why I forgave you. You want what's best for everyone. It's one of the things I love about you."
Teresa sat up. Thomas brought his feet up to the bed and crossed his legs.
"Thanks, Tom. I shouldn't have lashed out at you. I guess, we've all been through hell together and it's sort of made us insane."
Thomas took her hand and pulled her in for a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he said into her hair.

Later that night, Frypan called them all to dinner and everyone ate a lot. Teresa, Thomas, Minho, Newt and Vince all sat together and talked for an hour. They had a bon fire after dinner and everyone sang songs and told tales of their past. It was all really nice, but Thomas didn't know how to explain to the others about the note. People needed to make a choice. They stay, or they go.
At about 10:00, Thomas decided to go to bed. Teresa went to their house 15 minutes before, and Thomas realized he was tired and said goodnight to everyone.
Thomas found Teresa laying on her side on their bed. He smiled at how pretty she was when she slept.
Thomas quickly got changed into his night clothes and crawled into bed with her.
Teresa shifted to look at him, half asleep.
"Goodnight, Tom," she said.
Thomas smiled and put his arm around her.
They fell asleep wrapped in each other's embrace.

I know, boring and cheesy chapter but I'm getting pretty close to the end, and to be COMPLETELY honest, I don't want this one to end😂 But, that's life. I'll talk to you guys later!

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