Chapter 9

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Ginny opened her eyes. She was expecting to be on the floor, but she wasn't. She wasn't even touching the floor. She was in Harry's arms. "Oh Ginny! Are you alright?" She heard her mother ask her, fear in her voice. "Yeah. I'm okay. What happened?" Her mother sighed with relieve and Harry said "You missed a step. Luckily you didn't hit your head, that would of gave you a concussion." "How did I not hit my head? I fell at the top step." Ginny asked confused. "Harry caught you. When you missed the step, it caused your knees to bend a weird way so you fell backwards instead of forward. Luckily Harry caught before your head hit the stair. You would of been out like a light if that happened." Madam Pomfrey answered. "Everything is fine, but let me take care of that bloody ankle of yours." Madam pooch leaned over and cleaned up her leg using some weird spell Ginny wasn't familiar with. "Thank you Madam Pomfrey." Ginny said. "And thank you Harry for saving me." She said in a lower voice. Harry looked at her and smiled. "Harry. Put down my daughter." Mr.Weasley said looking at him with a little grin. Harry blushed and put Ginny down. "Okay everyone! Sit down now dinner is about to be served." Ginny took one step forward but her knees buckled beneath her. Ginny felt strong cold hands grab her waist and help her up to her feet. "Wow, slow down Ginny. Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little drowsy." Harry slowly led her over to a chair and pushed her in toward to table. "Thanks Harry." "Oh Harry thanks for the help. Ginny dear do you want me to sit next to you incase you feel sick again?" Said Mrs.Weasley. Ginny thought about it before saying, "No, I would like Harry to sit next me. He is my hero. Again." She said thinking of her first year. Harry sat down beside her and Mrs.Weasley went off to bring out the food. "I'm not your hero Ginny. Not in the slightest. The most you would of got is a minor concussion. And with madam Pomfrey here, you would of been better in a hour. Trust me, I barely did anything."

"Okay. But what about my first year?"

"Okay, fine. Maybe I may of saved you once. But lets not think about that right know." Ginny nodded and looked at the food that was laid out on the table.

"Before we begin, I would like to make a toast. On this very day, a couple years ago, a terrible tragedy happened. It would be best not to think of that tragedy right know, but here's a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Potter. They may be gone but never forgotten. We continue to remember them till this very day. Potter." Mr.Weasley said, finishing his speech. "Potter." Everyone echoed. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Harry knew there where many eyes on him, so he looked down and didn't make eye contact with anyone. "Lets eat!" Ron called out and everyone laughed. Classic Ron always wanting to eat. Well, that certainly broke the tension that was going around in the room. "So, what movie where you two watching up there?" Tonks asked while changing her hair color to orange. "The wizard of Oz." Ginny replied in between bites. "The wizard of oz? I've never heard of that, and I've seen almost every movie out there."

"Well, it's a muggle movie, you see." Harry replied.

"Is it? Wait. A muggle movie is called the Wizard of Oz? They know about us!" Tonks practically screamed. "Kinsley, call the prime minister, the muggle's know about us!" Kingsley got up from his seat and was about to call some of his fellow workers but Ginny quickly said "No no no! They don't know about us! It's just a muggle movie! And the wizard in the movie grants wishes, he isn't anything like us at all." "Oh okay. You got me scared there." Tonks said sitting back in her seat. "You don't say." Ginny mumbled. Harry started laughing at Ginny's remark and quickly shoved a spoon full of peas in his mouth to keep him from laughing. The rest of dinner was pleasant, everyone talking to one another nicely, having Mrs.Weasley yell at Ron for eating all the mash potatoes. (A/N that would be me mash potatoes are life) "This was nice." Harry said as they put there plates in the sink. "I couldn't agree more." Ginny replied with a smile.

"Hey! Harry!" Harry spun around to see Ron standing there with Hermione at his side. "What makes you think I'm okay with you dating my sister again?" He asked rather roughly. Hermione just rolled her eyes. Harry looked at him as if saying "Seriously. You want to go there right now." Ron waited for an answer so Harry finally said. "Ron your my best mate. I'm dating your sister. Your dating my best friend. I think we are even." Ron looked at him and said "Yeah, I guess so. Sorry I got all tough on you." Harry turned back around and rolled his eyes. As they walked away harry could hear Hermione tell him how stupid that was and how she thought Ginny was old enough to make her own choices. Then all of the sudden Ginny and Harry could both here music coming from the sitting room. Harry turned to her, "Shall we?" He said and held out his hand. Ginny took his hand and in response said, "We shall."

A/N: hey guys! I know the last chapter was kinda suckish so I did this to make up for it! Hope you guys like it ill update soon!

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