Chapter 4

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Ginny quickly ran up the stairs until she found Ron's room. She put her ear to the door and listened. She could here Ron Hermione and Harry talking. "A locket....." She heard Harry mutter. "Salazar Sly..." She heard Hermione say. Ginny put her hand on the knob and was to open the door when she realized something. "I can't go in. That will be to suspicious...and a little awkward." She thought to herself. That's when it clicked. Ginny once again went downstairs and headed toward Luna and Neville. "Hey guys! sorry to interrupt, but I have a question for Neville. A herbology question, actually." Neville smiled brightly and said "Ask away." "Well I don't exactly know what it is, that's what I was hoping you could tell me. You see, there's this bush that we have out in the garden. And I remember we learned about it in herbology, but I can't remember the name. Would you mind coming to take a look?" Ginny asked him. "Of course! Luna we will be right back." Then Neville and Ginny slipped out the back door. Ginny looked around and said "There it is," Neville bent down and eagerly started to inspect it. Ginny didn't really care about the plant, she cared about what was hiding underneath that plant. Ron, Fred and George's job was to get all the gnomes together and chuck them over the fence before guests arrive. They had done a good job, but Ginny was going to have to twist the truth a little to get the trio to come down from Ron's room. "Neville, it may help of you look at the core of the plant." Ginny says. She couldn't care less about the stupid plant. But it was all part of the plan. Ginny watched as Neville leaned in just a little closer. That's when everything clicked into place. "OWWW!" Neville screamed. "Neville! Are you okay?" Ginny asked even though she knew what was wrong. "You mess with my territory, you mess with me!" Said an angry voice. Marcus. Marcus was the meanest naughtiest gnome in the whole Weasley garden. Ginny knew exactly where he lives, having dealt with him before. Even though she loves Neville like a brother, she had to do this. The things she would do for Harry you wouldn't imagine. Getting one of her best friends to get hit with a angry gnome is one of them. "Here, we'll take you inside and have mum take a look at it. (A/N I'm not English so if I say mom instead of mum I apologize!) Ginny brought Neville back in and pretended like she didn't know how any of this has happened. "Mum!" Ginny cried. Luna was the first to react. "Neville! Are you alright?" She asked, her voice full on concern and worry. That's when Mrs. Weasley pushed her was through the mob of people. "Oh Neville dear, are you okay? How did this happen Ginevra?" "Marcus. Ron never put him back in his hole." Ginny said. "What? Was he noticeable or was he hiding and waiting to sneak up on someone?" Mrs.Weasley asked while holding onto Neville arm. "Plain as day." Ginny lied. "RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY! YOU COME DOWN HERE JUST THIS INSTINCT!!" Mrs.Weasley yelled, causing everyone to jump. "I'll be back with a spell book Neville. I never had to deal with a gnome hat to the eye..." As Mrs.Weasley walked off, Neville turned around to Ginny. While still covering his one injured eye, he said "wasn't in his hole? Plain as day? I was 3 inches from that gnomes face and I didn't even recognize it. Okay, what little game are you playing." Ginny sighed. "Okay, fine. I guess I owe you an explanation. So I wanted to get Ron in trouble-" But thats all Neville needed to hear. "Oh okay that's fine I understand." He said as Mrs.Weasley whisked him away. Ginny stared at him confused, but then realizing it was Neville and he would do something like that, she just shrugged and went to go get some punch. That's when Ron Hermione and Harry came down the stairs. "Have you seen my mum? She was screaming for me before...she even used my middle name which definitely isn't good..." Ginny heard Ron ask Dean. Ginny looked up and saw Hermione pulling Luna in for a hug, leaving Harry standing behind them. Alone. "Now's my chance." Ginny murmured to herself. What she was going to say, she didn't know. But she did know this was the only time she was going to get him alone so she had to go for it.

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