Chapter 5

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Ginny took a deep breath and walked over to Harry. "Hey, Harry." She tried to say as normally as possible. "Ginny! I was wondering where you where." He gave a smile and pulled her in for a hug. Ginny hugged back happily. But it lasted just a little to long. Ginny pulled back, blushing her family's famous shade of red. Ron turned around and said "Hey Gin." But he noticed her blushing and looked at Harry suspiciously. Harry just shook his head and turned back around to Ginny. "Is Neville here?" He asked trying to change the subject. "Yeah he is but he mum is helping him clean up his eye. He got hit out in the garden." Ginny explained. "Marcus?" "Yep." She said slightly guilty. "But I made sure he was kept away under the plants just a little while ago! Oh no...he must of escaped....that's why mum..." "Ronald!!" Mrs.Weasley stamped over with a now-healed-Neville. "Get over here now." She said in a stern tone. Ron walked over to Mrs.Weasley and Hermione went over to Neville so he could explain what happened, not including that Ginny had set it all up. Ginny turned back around to Harry. "How where the Dursley's?" Ginny asked. "Eh, same old same old. But Dudley had softened up a but sense it would be our last time seeing each other. But you know. Vernon was the same and Petunia just seemed frightened. Even though I know what lies ahead, I'm glad I won't have to be going back to them after this year." He said, getting a little hesitant at the end of the sentence. "How have you been?" He than asked her. "Pretty good. Just been waiting for this party. With everything going on I haven't seen anyone lately." She replied. "Having fun so far?" She asked. "Yep. Just a bit sad over what day it is...." Than Ron came back before Ginny got to finish her thoughts. "It was nice seeing you Neville,Luna" Than nodded towards Ginny. "We will see you guys later. We're going to watch a movie to get our minds off things. Catch you later." Ron said before leading the three up the stairs. Luna nudged me in my side. "How'd it go." She whispered. "Alright I guess. But now i'll never get to talk to him. He's watching a movie! If only he didn't end our..." "Gin, listen. You know he didn't end the relationship to hurt you. He did it to keep you from harm. But,on the other hand,Neville is here and not willing to break up with me to keep me out of danger so....good luck with that. Ill see you later Gin. (A/N I ship Nuna :P 😊) ginny smiled as her friend skipped off after her crush. "Plan B." Ginny said to herself. "Now, what did he mean by 'just a bit upset about what day it is.' Mum should know." Ginny said to herself before leaving to find her mum.

Hey guys! I know I haven't really done authors notes but I decided I should! I really hope you guys like the story. I have everything figured out but I have been insanely busy and I didn't have time to update! I apologize! Comment if you like the story so far! Thanks!


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