Chatper 11

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Ginny woke up to see a familiar black haired boy on the edge of my bed. "Harry! Why are you in here?" Ginny quickly sat up giving her a stiff neck. "Don't you remember? I slept here last night." Ginny felt a bubble form in her throat, ready to pop at any moment. "WHAT? Omg what did I do? What is mom going to do?" Harry just say their and laughed. Ginny looked at him like he was insane. "Relax, Gin. I'm joking." Ginny gasped a sigh if relive before slamming her head back onto the pillow. "Harry. James. Potter. If you ever do that to me again, well, lets just say you'll have 6 of brothers on you for the rest of your life because if you say that again, I'm going to believe you and scream at the top do my lungs so charlie can hear me in Romania." "Wow slow down. I promise I won't. And I'm not just saying that, because right now I'm really scared." Ginny chuckled at his remark. "Wait, so why are you in here?" "Well I went downstairs for breakfast and you weren't down their and everyone els was. Literally everyone. So I came up to see if you where okay." Ginny appreciated the concern, but asked "Why wouldn't I be okay?" "Because you usually are up before me Ron and Hermione. Today you where up after all of us. Gin it's nearly 12 o'clock." "What? I never slept that late! Why didn't you come up sooner?" Ginny practically yelled. "Well your mom reckoned you needed the sleep. She came in your room right after you did and you where asleep by the time she got their. Anyway, you should come down before Ron eats everything. Trust me he will." With that Harry left. Ginny pulled herself out of bed and pulled on a robe and slippers and walked downstairs. "Morning sleepy head." Fred called as se reached the landing. Ginny took her seat next to Harry and started piling sausages,bacon,toast, and eggs onto her plate. "'Mom, where are we going today?" "Well for Ron Harry and Hermione last year they need something special for their N.E.W.T.S. and you need a new jumper so I was going to go to Diagon Alley with you guys today but I decided Bill and I will go." Ginny nodded and then turned to the twins. "What are you to doing today?" "Well, baby sister, we do own a legendary joke shop. Halloween is over so 1/2 off on all our Halloween merchandise. We are leaving when dad does and we won't be gone for long." Ginny nodded and turned toward the trio. "Are we going to stay here today?" "Oh no your not!" Mrs.Weasley injected. "Not after my two youngest got themselves a special friend last night." Ron nearly spit out his orange juice. Harry nearly chocked on a sausage. Hermione had to cover her face with a newspaper. Ginny nearly fell of her seat. "Did I miss something?" Mr.Weasley asked, stunned by their responses to his wife's statement. "Special friend? What the hell?" Ron finally managed to say. "Mrs.Weasley looked like she was ready to start a fight, but then she stopped. "Your right. That does sound like rubbish. Well anyway the answer is still no. You 4 are not staying here by yourselves." Ginny looked at Fred and George as if saying 'help me.' "Actually mother." -F

"They will not be alone." -G

"Not for long anyways."-F

"We will be back" -G

"In about and hour and a half." -F

"And when we return" -G


"And Katie." -G

"Will be with us." -F

"You know how responsible they are" -G

"Don't you?" -Both

A/N I was getting bored of how they where talking so I made it like this. F stands for Fred and G stand for George of you didn't notice.

Molly thought about it for a minute before saying, "Okay. Fine."

Ginny looked at Fred and George as if saying 'thank you.' Then she shared a look with the trio as if saying 'that was a mistake.'

A/N hey guys! So this is the end of this chapter! I'm sorry it was really boring but at least I can update because I'm back from vacation! Next chapter will be good, I promise! Almost 900 views wow thanks guys! You all rock! :)

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