Chapter 12

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After breakfast Ginny stayed back to help her mother clean up. "Now you listen to me. I want NO funny business. You understand me young lady?" Ginny nodded in reply and put away the last of the plates. "I need to get changed. Ill be back down before you leave." Her mother nodded and Ginny ran up the stairs taking 2 at a time. She ran into her room and looked in the mirror. "Did I really go down looking like this?" Ginny said, mortified by what she saw in the mirror. She pulled off her robe and pajamas and pulled on a orange short sleeve shirt that was a little longer in the back. It was simple, but it seemed appropriate for the occasion. She then pulled on jean shorts that went down a little above her knee. She brushed out her hair and put on a small black headband to push back her bangs that where starting to get long. She brushed her teeth and put on a pair of black that Hermione had given her for her birthday from a muggle story called "Payless." She then hopped back down the stairs and kissed his mother and eldest brother goodbye. Soon after Fred and George left for work. "Lets get this party started." Ginny said with a smirk. "I got the food!" Ron said. Ginny rolled her eyes. "I got the games!" Yelled Hermione."I'll make a comfy spot for us to play!" Harry screamed. "I got the drinks!" Ginny then yelled. Then they all ran different directions. Ginny gathered a 8 pints of butterbeer, a pitcher of cold water, some muggle drinks Harry had brought to their attention, and a tin of ice to keep them cold. She then rolled over the desk her father was going to get rid from the basement to the living room. It was a small very old table that was perfect to set drinks on. She put all the drinks on the table and brought out a few plastic cups, glasses, straws, and coasters. Ron then came running in with bags of food in one hand and bowls in the other. Harry had cleaned of the table in the room so Ron put out all the bowls and filled it up with all different types of chips, and filled up a bowl of Betty Bott's every flavor beans, chocolate frogs, and a bunch of other candy from Honeydukes. Then he set out a platter of vegetables for Hermione so she wouldn't give him a lecture for only putting out junk food. Hermione came in minutes later with her arms full of games, and after leaving again she once again returned with her arms full of games and movies. Hermione set them up on the side if the room, but next to the love seat so it was reachable, and stacked them up so you could see what games and movies their were to choose from. Ginny brought out napkins, forks, and plates, and Ron made ham, turkey, peunut butter and jelly, and Nutella sandwiches. All of which Hermione bought from stores where her parents live. He laid them out on a plate and stopped to breath. Ginny and Hermione also jumped up and joined Ron so they could see the sight in front of them. "Wow. Nice job Harry." Harry had layer out comfy blankets and pillows across the floor and he had left blankets next to them incase they got cold. He also had inflammable candles set up as well as real candles lite. It didn't seem like he de much, but he has laid it out so neatly that it made you want to jump in the middle of it and fall asleep. To the side where some of Ginny and Hermione's stuffed animals. (Ron and Harry's where In their to but they refused to say so. 😂) They all plopped down on the floor and looked at one another. "What do we do first?"

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