Chapter 1

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A/N Okay so in this chapter nothing very exciting will happen I will mostly just be explaining their relationship. I switch POVs! Enjoy!

<Cloves POV>

We are just getting out of the movie theater after watching a horror movie. It's 1:00am and the last day of break before our last year at college."I know you almost peed your pants Peeta!" I hear Thresh say

"Did not!"

"I beg to differ," Finnick says breaking away from his long kiss with Annie

"Even if you didn't pee your pants you were so scared!" Foxface accuses him. Her actual name is Rose but we call her Foxface cause of her hair.

"You have no proof!" Says Peeta pretending to sound hurt

"I do, because I was holding your hand you were shaking perfusely," Katniss states. That's followed by a round if ooooohhhhhhhsssss and cheers.

I laugh. "So were are we going anyway?" I ask cause we are kind of just walking on the side if the road.

"I would say we could go to my house but my baby sis Rue is going to be there," Thresh says

"Ya and I have Prim," Katniss sighs

"Stop complaining bitches we are going to my house!" Johanna yells we all yell

"Do you have chips?" Marvel and Cato ask in unison

"Of course she has chips you fat asses!" Glimmer tells them

I kiss Cato on the cheek. That's the great thing about our group. Most of us are dating each other but we can all still have fun and just go with it. I'm with Cato, Marvels with Glimmer, Katniss is with Peeta, Finnick is with Annie, Johanna is with Thresh, and Foxface doesn't really date at all. We are all misfits in our own way. Peeta gets abused sometimes, Katniss is an orphan, we all do kid things, Thresh's parents are drunks so he takes care of Rue, Annie sometimes has panic attacks(mental disability), Jo is such a thrill seeker she's going to get herself killed, Marvel used to self-harm, Glimmer is beauty obsessed, I won't go into detail about everyone.

<Katniss's POV>

At Johanna's

When we get to Jo's house we go to our favorite place. The basement.

"What should we do?" Annie says

"Um um um um," Finnick mumbles

"Spit it out!" Peeta screams

"Spin the bottle!" I suggest. Everyone nods and Johanna goes to get a bottle

"Jeez Kat make me walk upstairs you little-"

"Go to the corner for a timeout," Thresh says to Jo

"But I-" he gives her a jokingly stern look.

"Fine,"she says smiling. She sits but then comes right back. We all laugh.

Once we finally have the bottle I spin first since it was my idea. It lands on... Foxface.

She licks her lips. I giggle and seductively say come here. She does and I kiss her cheek. "Hey on the lips!" Cato declares.

I look into her eyes grab her by the waist and kiss her smack in the lips quickly. We all hysterically laugh.

When Foxface spins it lands on Peeta. "Oh you dirty cheater,"Marvel says in a gay voice

They kiss quickly. Now Peeta spins and it lands on me. I smile and sit in the middle of the circle. When he makes his way to the middle of the circle I immediately pounce on him. I am on top of him kissing him French style. I hear Glimmer say, "Woah guys, do you need a condom or something." I pull away and go sit back down. We play until everyone has gone. Then we all lay on the couch put on a movie and one by one we drift to sleep. Before I fall asleep I adjust my head on Peeta's chest.

I say our famous line "stay with me?"

He replies with an always then my eyelids close and sleep claims me.

A/N Okay I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was mostly just to show you where everyone stands. Oh and when I said baby sister Rue she really isn't a baby she is prims age. Comment, vote and follow!

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