Chapter 13: Trust

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|| Matt's Point of View ||

I led her outside the hotel, to a balcony. The sun was just beginning to set, creating a beautiful sunset in the sky. It was definitely a romantic setting.

Our hands were still intertwined, much to my satisfaction. Her hands were smaller than mine, but just seemed to fit perfectly in my much larger ones.

I took a brief moment to take in Madi. Her blonde hair, how long it and gold it was, reminding me of the princess from Tangled. How bright and blue her eyes were, almost as blue, if not blue, than Nash's. Her smile was beautiful, her teeth and straight, lips plump and pink. She was, goregous. It took me a brief moment to realize how beautiful she actually was.

She wasn't wearing slutty clothes, or a heavy load of makeup, like most girls I knew. In fact, I could barely tell she was wearing any.

She caught me staring at her, and her cheeks went scarlet.

"Why are you staring at me", she asked.

"Why wouldn't I, you're beautiful", I replied, winking at her.

I noticed she was fidgeting with her bracelets, and my eyes traveled to her wrists.

"Madi", I whispered, taking her hands.

|| Madi's Point of View ||

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. His eyes softened as they studied me.

Normally, I try not to burden people. I try to keep to myself... but as his captivating eyes seemed to get bigger and brighter waiting for my answer, I felt like my walls were falling down. He was kicking them down, and he didn't even know it. Why was I trying so hard to shut him out? I was holding onto this pain, this hurt so tightly; refusing to share it with anyone. Caroline didn't even know everything that happend. In a way, I wanted to keep the memories all to myself. At least that's how I felt before this charming, boy from Virginia barged into my heart... and into my physical world. Matt was no longer a figment of my imagination that only existed in my mind, and on my letters. As much as I thought I knew him before actually meeting him, I was surprised constantly about how little I actually did know. He had so many sides, and I felt like all I wanted to do was find out every little insignificant thing about him. This made me realize that is was a mutual feeling we shared, but we were just afraid to push the other to open up first.

Matt was still waiting patiently for my reply, I closed my eyes to collect myself, " Matt, it's honestly ok. I'm five months clean, you don't have to worry about me, I'm..."

"You're what", he said, cutting me off. "Madi, this isn't healthy, you hurting yourself. You can't keep doing this, I won't let you", he said, looking at me in the eyes.

I yanked my hands from his grasp. Who did he think he was. "I won't let you". He didn't know me, he didn't care. Why was he acting like he did.

"Matt, stop", I said, looking at the ground. He paused, looking up at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You don't know me, Matthew. You don't know a single thing about me. You don't know what I'm made of, or how much I'm capable of. You don't know where I came from, or where I'm heading. You know nothing of my highs or my lows. You don't know how weak I am, or how strong I am. You know nothing about me. And if you think you do, you're wrong"

He paused for a moment, taking my hands into his again.

"But I can know you, Madi. You and I both know there's only one thing preventing that, and that's you", he said, his hazel eyes locked with mine.

"You don't know me Matt. Trust me, you don't want any part of me"

"But what if I do? What if I told you Madi, that you and I are a lot alike in some ways. I know exactly how it feels to be crying in the shower, so no one can hear you. I know what it's like to wait for everyone to fall asleep so you can fall apart. I know what its like to want the pain to hurt so bad, so everything can end. I know how it feels"

It took me a moment to process Matt's words. And in that moment, I could feel my walls being to break down; I was letting him in. Wether I liked it or not, I was letting him in.

"Do you trust me Madi", Matt asked.

And for the first time in forever, I said yes.

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