Chapter 27: Broken Hearts and Arizona

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|| C a r o l i n e ||

Stay Calm, I said to myself, as I arrived on the floor of Nash's room, where he and the rest of the gang were waiting for me.

Though I had already hung out with them a number of times, I still found myself getting nervous. It wasn't only for this particular occasion, as I got nerves for just about everything.

What if it's akward? What if Jack ignores me? What if the others are mad? Do they think I'm strange, or do they pity me?

Questions like this replayed over and over again in my head, making it unable for me to relax.

What if they're like Lance?

I stopped myself after that, knowing a thought like that would only contribute to my anxiety.

They aren't like Lance. They're not going to hurt me. They aren't going to use me. They aren't Lance, I assured myself.

Stopping at room 14B, I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

A moment later, the door swung open, and out popped a very excited Cameron and Taylor.

"CAROLINE", they shouted, and both pulled me into the hug. Of course, I flinched. Although the fact that two very loud teenage boys had just screamed at me may have contributed.

They saw my reaction, and quickly pulled back.

"Sorry babe", Taylor said, looking at me apologetically.

I smiled back at him, and assured him it was ok.

Cameron walked over to me, and put his arm around me.

"How're you doing, goregous", he asked me, just above a whisper.

"Good, thank you", I said sweetly.

He grabbed my hand, leading me into the room, where the other nine were.

"Hey Caroline", they coursed, some of them even standing up to hug me. I tried not to flinch, but was unsuccessfull.

Great, you've already made a fool of yourself.

Jack was sitting on the couch beside Aaron and Johnson, and he looked up to meet my eyes. He offered me a cheeky grin, and waved.

My stomach fluttered at the sight of his smile, and I did everything I could to prevent myself from blushing.

"Sit down, Caroline", Cameron offered, leading us over to a spare couch. I sat down, and folded my hands in my lap.

"Thank you guys for inviting me", I said. Being unappreciative wasn't something I wasn't myself labeled as, so I always made sure my gratitude and appreciation for things was shown.

"You don't need to thank us, silly", Johnson laughed. "We like you".

"Oh, thank you", I replied, slightly taken aback by the complement from Johnson.

"You're too polite, girl. Ease up. We aren't going to kick you out for not being a lady 24/7", Taylor said, and I blushed.

I hated when people mad a fun of me for how polite I was. It was a decision I made, and I want sure why others cared.

What's wrong with a little politeness?

"So where's Nash", I asked Cam, and he shot up from beside me.

"I'll go look"

|| N a s h ||

Heartbroken. Absolutely heartbroken.

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