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I couldn't sleep last night. All I was thinking about was Jimin. I heard somewhere that if you can't sleep, someone else is dreaming about you. I don't think that's true.

Today we had literature as our first two lessons. Our teacher gave us papers that had names of writers, poetical works, books and things we've learned about. We had to sort them to time periods and it was quite hard. I got into one group with Mia, Jimin and a guy called Youngjae who was one of Jimin's friends. He was nice.

At the beggining Jimin watched us suffer as we did everything wrong, then later he decided to give us hints because he didn't want to tell us the solution. "Help us already!" Mia made a fake crying expression.

"Think about it more," Jimin told her.

"But I don't know these people!" Mia sighed.

"Wait wasn't that guy around the 1800's?" Youngjae pointed at a name.

"I think so." I nodded. "And he had that...that weird named book!"

"Yes," Jimin said.

"Finally!" I smiled. "One time period is done."

"No, that's wrong." Jimin shook his head and pulled two names away. "Those are older."

"Like in the Renaissance?" I asked. "Shakespeare was in the Renaissance, right?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"And he wrote Romeo and Juliet!" Mia smiled. "I finally know something."

"And Leonardo Da Vinci was also Renaissance," Youngjae said. "Jimin, help us already! There are three minutes left from this class and on the next one we have to do a whole presentation about this."

"Okay, fine."Jimin sighed and started pulling the papers into place. He knew everything and the teacher confirmed that it's correct.

"Boy, you're really smart." Youngjae gasped.

"No..." Jimin shook his head.

"You are." The three of us told him, which made him smile slightly.

On the next lesson, we had to do a presentation. This meant that the teacher gave us a big paper where we had to write these time periods down, and draw pictures of one from each time period. I thought it turned out really well, Jimin was the one who wrote the things down because he had the best handwriting from the four of us. Then when we started decorating. All of us got so messy and we started getting playful. We kept putting paint on each other's face. It happened accidentally at first, but then we just did it for fun.

"Hey, look here," Jimin told me.

"No, no, no." I laughed and leaned back, because I didn't want him to put paint on my face but he still managed to. I had a stain on my forehead that looked like I bumped it into something. "There's paint in your hair," I told him because one of his blonde locks was covered in blue paint.

"Guys...Why?" Jimin laughed."Do any of you have a mirror?" Jimin sighed and Mia gave him a mirror. He then tried to get the paint out from his hair, but he couldn't. He washed it out in the break anyways.

After we finished decorating, we kept teasing each other. Or they kept teasing me and at the end of the lesson, my face was full of paint. I had to spend like a few minutes in the bathroom to wash it off. In the next minute a girl walked inside, who I only knew because I listened to her groups' music but I had never talked to her before. I didn't know her name.

"Hi!" The girl smiled at me.

"Hi?" I said.

"You're Jimin's girlfriend, right?" She asked me.

"Well, actually ex-girlfriend." I sighed.

"Sorry." She told me.

"No, it's okay." I said." We actually had quite a nice relationship, but sometimes people have to take breaks..."

"Oh." She nodded. "I'm Mina. You always seemed nice, so I wanted to talk to you but I thought you're like Jimin."

I laughed. " I don't really talk with popular people other than the boys."

"Okay." Mina smiled. " I was only asking because one of my friends, Jihyo is Chae's cousin... You must have heard the story."

"Ouch." I said."I did."

"Aaand, basically, she was just wondering how is he nowadays. Because they don't really talk, but she would like to be friends with him." She chuckled.

"Well, nobody can resist Park Jimin." I smiled. "Do you want me to introduce you to him?"

"Oh my god, yes!" She nodded.

"Do you have a third lesson?"I asked.

"No?" She shook her head.

"Okay, come, I'll introduce you to him," I said and we walked out from the bathroom. The boys were at the hallway sitting on the stairs, Jimin was texting someone on his phone. "Hi."I looked at Jimin.

"Hey." He said, not looking up from his phone.

"So, I want to introduce somebody to you," I said and he finally looked up.

"Hii," Mina said. " I'm Mina."

"Hi." Jimin smiled. "You're in...TWICE, right?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"Then I know you," Jimin said. "I've heard you guys' songs. They're really good."

"Really?" Mina smiled. " You are too...I mean you guys' music..." She said and I tried not to laugh at her awkwardness. It's so cute." I'm an ARMY!"

Jimin gave her a slight smile."Jihyo is also in your group, right?"

"Yes." Mina nodded.

"And how are you?"I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Good." He said. " I'm feeling well."

"That's good... "I sighed. " Where are the girls?"

"Rosie's helping one of the teachers, Lisa is with Namjoon, Jisoo is with Seokjin..."He shrugged.

 "I think I'll go now," I said and I walked away from them.

A/N: Is anybody interested in a Jimin's P.O.V. of when they first got together / how we started realising that he has feelings for Jennie?

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