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As soon as Jungkook left Boyoung's place, he headed to the campus library.

He thought they would have the books he needs to try and prove his theory.

He headed to the front desk where he saw a girl sitting. As he walked he noticed that she was reading a book while listening to music. He tapped on the desk to get her attention and she quickly looked up.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She smiled, putting away her book. "Hi, I'm Dahyun! Welcome to the library, how may I help you?"

"Yes, uh.... Are there any books on soulmates here?" He leaned in as he spoke, not wanting others to hear.

"Soulmates? What an interesting subject! What do you need it for? Project? Paper?"

"Just for light reading."

"I see, fiction or non-fiction?" She walked around the desk.

"Non-fiction please."

"Ahhh ok." She said as she started to walk towards an aisle, Jungkook following behind. They walked all the way to the back of the library. Hidden from most eyes were the books on the subject, soulmates.

Jungkook's eyes lit up as he saw the many books on the 5 level shelves. He knew that one of them had to have answers for him.


None of them had answers.

Or at least the books Jungkook had gone through so far.

Its been 2 hours since he entered the library and he finished looking through 4 gigantic books so far.

4 out of...... I don't know, 20?

He sighed before closing the book he just finished, it didn't really help. He looked around the library and noticed a child corner. There aren't any children on campus so it confused Jungkook as to why it was there.

Then he saw a familiar book in the shelf from afar, and quickly stood up to retrieve it.

"Of course!" He whispered to himself.

As he walked, memories of his mother reading the book to him as a child came back to him. She always insisted to read that book. But why? He wouldn't know.

He reached the shelf and picked up the book.

Soul Color

He never really understood this book as a kid, maybe he will now?

He sat down and opened the book to the first page and began reading.

"Soulmates are people who are destined to be together.

They could be in the same area, city, or a completely different continent.

Eventually, they will meet and fall in love."

"Wow, this is so optimistic." He thought.

"But not everybody has a soulmate."

"I take that back."

Koi No Yokan // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now