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Jungkook was getting ready to shower when his phone buzzed.

It was Boyoung.



What's good homie😉


Jungkook chuckled before answering with a short answer.



Nothing, hbu?😂


Before Boyoung could reply, the boy hopped into the shower, not wanting his friend to interrupt and make him postpone his cleaning time.

Soon, he stepped out onto the mat in front of his shower, grabbed his towel, and dried himself off. He grabbed a smaller towel and started to dry his hair, rubbing the towel over his head. When he took it off however, he caught a glimpse of something in the mirror, something that wasn't there before.



"It's brown now?!" Boyoung asked through the phone, immediately picking up when Jungkook called instead of answering his text after his 20 minute shower.

"Yes!" He answered with the phone to his ear as he touched strands of his hair while looking in the mirror. "I know it's happened before but it's weird that I was awake this time. It happened after I got in the shower. It's amazing how it works." He smiled.

"I can't believe it. Hold up, let me ask Jimin if he dyed his hair."

"I mean, there's no other explanation Bo." He laughed, putting the elder on speaker and throwing a tshirt over his head.

"You're right, but I need some confirmation."

"You're always so skeptical." Jungkook chuckled, going into his room and sitting on his bed. "*sigh* How am I supposed to explain this to my father? Junghyun and Mom will understand but him? He's a skeptical as you."

"Just tell him, he'll see you didn't leave to get it dyed." He said.

"I guess you're right-"

"Jimin answered!" Boyoung interrupted. "He said he dyed it literally 10 minutes ago! Wow! Soulmates are so cool!" He squealed.

"And you wonder why I don't call you hyung." He chuckled for the millionth time.


"Wow, it's funny how we keep dying our hair the same color on the same day isn't it?" Jimin asked the younger as they walked down the street and towards a park.

Jimin wanted to get out of the house for the day and Jungkook was the first contact he saw on his phone.

"Yup." Jungkook nervously chuckled. "Its so strange."

"It's almost like we're connected." Jimin joked.

"So weird. So about this shoot," Jungkook quickly changed the subject on order to distract Jimin from the road he was going down.

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