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Jungkook walked out of the classroom with a smile.

He's pretty sure he passed that test.

He was congratulating himself before he looked over to see Boyoung emerging from the room as well only holding his head.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No, my fucking head is pounding right now." He groaned.

"You shouldn't have drank yesterday." Jungkook scolded playfully.

"Dude! Shush!" Boyoung looked around cautiously. "I'm underage man! Don't say that so loud!" He whispered.

"Wow, now you're worried about being caught. Anyways, how do you think you did?"

"Drinking? I mean, I'd say I have a pretty high toleranc-"

"I meant on the test!" Jungkook interrupted with laughter.

"Oh, well then. I think I did ok, but I don't know what Jimin was on when he said that it's better hungover cuz let me tell you right now, it's not."

Jungkook chuckled again before leading Boyoung to the student hall for food.

They sat down in the food court while contemplating what they wanted to eat. Jungkook noticed how Boyoung was once again holding his head before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a bottle of Advil and water.

"Wow, how much did you drink?" He asked amusingly. He chuckled at the older male knock 2 pills back before swallowing water behind it.

"Too much. Man, if we hadn't had that stupid test I wouldn't have attended classes today."

"That's how I feel everyday. Anyways, did you figure out what you wanted to eat?"

"I was thinking fried chicken, but then again, it hurts to think. So imma leave it up to you to decide."

"Ok, chicken it is. I'll be right back." The boy walked over to the place in the hall that he thought had the best chicken and waited in line before ordering. Shortly after, he got a number and stood to the side for his food. Being left alone to his thoughts, Jungkook thought back to the night before when he was texting Jimin. It made him smile. The elder's drunken texts, bold words, and cute selfie made Park Jimin seem so cute in his eyes.

"-ir? Sir?" Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts. A worker for the restaurant was holding a bag in front of her and trying to get his attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry, yes?"

"Are you number 408?"

"Oh yeah." The lady handed him the food before returning to her job. "Thank you." He mumbled, even though she was far away.

He walked back to Boyoung with a comment that he remembered Jimin mention last night.

"So," He started before he sat. "You like bond paper?" He smirked as he placed the food down.

"Oh my gosh! How did you even know about that conversation?!" The elder's groans made the taller laugh. Jungkook placed the fried chicken and side dishes on the table in the middle of them so they could start eating.

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