A compilation of all Panic! At The Disco songs and their meanings based off of Genius.com with a little bit of my editing. FYI, The second album and onwards, is where pictures start to appear, the debut album is j...
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Panic! At the Disco's claim to fame, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, was released September 27th, 2005.
Recording began in June 2005, so the band didn't have much time to put together their debut. Frontman Brendon Urie says:
"Every song that we wrote... made it. We didn't think about writing a bunch of songs and picking the best ones. We had to just make the best songs we ever wrote."
The album was heavily influenced by the works of novelist Chuck Palahniuk
Panic! observed that other pop punk bands, such as Fall Out Boy , were using long song titles. The band decided to follow in their footsteps, choosing titles like The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage and There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet