Entry Two: The Prof and the Harlot

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I was thinking of doing this one for nanowrimo in november.  But I think I've got another idea I'm going to pursue.  I like this idea - it's very spicy but very sweet, and inspired by Otacon from the Metal Gear Solid series, of all things.

The main character is a 37-year-old science professor who is heralded for his teaching ability and his research, but is also know for his social awkwardness and his lack of romantic relationships.  But it's even worse than that.  The character, who we'll call "Hal" for now, is still a virgin.  Between distastrous relationships, his lack of social skills, and his love of research, he has had any opportunities to find love.  Not that he wants to, anyway.  He did have one woman he loved very deeply - and she lying, cheating witch.  So since then, he's sworn off on love, even though he secretly craves it.

His friend Evan knows full well about his purity, and sets about to change all that.  For Hal's thirty-eighth birthday, he convinces a beautiful woman named "Shimmer" to come on to him and seduce him, or at least get him to reconsider his vow of chastity.  Shimmer agrees to do it, as she needs the money to pay her rent for the month.  While they end up back at Hal's home,  she ends up she ultimately fails to tempt him due to his awkwardness and her drunkeness. Shaken by the entire encounter and his surprise attraction to her, Hal renews his vow of chastity.

But fate isn't on Hal's side at all.  It turns out that "Shimmer" is really named Erica, and she's a twenty-five-year-old Kinesiology student at the same university he works for.  Horrified that he almost slept with a student (thought she's not in his faculty), he does everything he can to keep his distance from her - never mind that he finds himself attracted to her.  Erica, while mildly interested in the bumbling professor, has her own problems to deal with.  While she's a very intelligent student with a bright future ahead of her, she's also very co-dependent.  Her on-again, off-again boyfriend Dean is threatened by her academic success, and she's sexually promiscuous.  On the night she met Hal, she'd dumped deal for the umpteenth time and was looking for a quick encounter in order to escape her growing misery.

Because this story is a romance (obvious), fate continues to bring Erica and Hal together.  The two forge an uneasy friendship, hindered by Dean and Hal's association to the university.  Still, they learn a lot from each other.  Erica tries to teach Hal the finer points of love and sex, while Hal is the male friend she's ever had that hasn't tried to sleep with her or isn't completely nuts in the head.  Their feelings, of course, deepens with every passing day, but not without comical, awkward situations along the way.

The turning point is when Erica tries her hardest to seduce Hal after another fight with deal.  This time, however, Hal is more receptive, as he is falling for Erica.  But in the heat of the moment, he blurts out that he's still a virgin, which freaks Erica out quite a bit.  Wordlessly, she ends the friendship and throws herself back at Dean.  Hal, of course, is heartbroken.

Oi, I'm tired.  Off to bed with me.  Tell me, does it sound good so far?  Write in the comments and tell me what you think?

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