Entry Three: Steamy Reunion

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I've got to head off in a few minutes, so if this entry is riddled with mistakes, you know why.

How hot would it be to write a short story about a girl reuniting with the crush she let go of many years ago?

I admit, this is a fantasy of mine.  It's been marinating in my head for a while, inspired by a man in my past who I shall not regale you with.  I was so boy-crazy way back when.  I was always crushing on some guy - I wasn't the prettiest girl in the class back then and I guess I needed some sort of validating from a cute boy to feel better about myself.

I am aware of how silly and overrated that is now.

I want to write a story about that - about a girl who had a crush on another guy many years ago, but had to let him go because of her own insecurities and because an acquaintance asked for her help him snagging him.  But there is obviously a connection between the two - he can share many things with her, and they are always hanging out, talking.  But ultimately they are separated, and life goes on.

Many years later, of course, they bump into each other again, and life has gotten in the way.  The bond is still there, and it's strong, almost electric.  That's the funny thing about absence - sometimes, it really does make the heart grow fonder. 

It can also make the ensuing flood of passion all the more intense.

Of course, if I wanted to , I could build it up.  They could bump into each other at an event, exchange emails, and then it just gets steamier and steamier.  Because the build-up is always more enjoyable than the release (but that's fun, too).  There are just so many things I could do with that kind of story.  I think it may be the next one after "Camara Sensual".

I think I'd be killed if I didn't finish that one.

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