" Vanishing Point "

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“Vanishing Point!”

"Watch me!
But then again, just turn now and silently walk away!
For you see!
I am no longer interesting or important anymore to anyone!
Just a common man casting a common shadow.
Another carbon based lifeform!
Breathing to exhale another day!
“The insidious afterthought has become leary and thoughtless!
No longer does the sun relentlessly burns this spot!
It is as if this place I dwell has become the air space that time forgot!
Strangers that used to be friends now pass daily along the highway!
They see the boneyard in the distance but they never inquire to stop by!
Alas! The pointless now seem to have develop a point!
They take a stab at me but they always seem to miss!"
"The legion has collected beyond my control!
Far beyond the epicenter of the quake!
I took a stroll across the desert this morning around midnight!
Only to discover a quiet way out! Hell, I know I surely will not be missed!
The patrons are sipping on metal insulated cups of Haterade! I stuck around way too long when the piano man became rich gathering tips!
Nary a dollar I got leaving the stage for my take!"

"Within a feeble and carnal existance I became a champion!
I can still treasure the memory not long ago when my words rock the joint!
I had the faithful coming and watching in awe as the euphoria flowed!
Even a single response would surely do this old man good!
But now, with weary eyes I barely can see the endless highway from my street!
Tomorrow is just somebody else's future yesterday!
But this single message is mine to bury as treasure!
With the dust, I slowly embrace the returning wind!
Step by step I take to a place where I will never be remembered but accepted!
My vanishing point!"


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