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Man, Rene and Mans new girlfriend Lyette met at my house, so we could take a long walk to the beach. We all sat in the den, waiting for the perfect time to leave.

"So guys, guess who got to talking this morning" I grin, stuffing my lotions, sunscreen, water bottles and other things to prepare me for a heat stroke, into my back pack.

"Was it that nasty sister of yours? I saw her the other day, had the nerve to smile at me" Amanda also stuffed her back, with snacks from our pantry.

My older sister, seems to have this thing against me, though it has never been spoken on. Man hates her for acting like she's better than everyone and Rene just ignores it; having a bitch sister of her own.

"She's a funny one, but no. It was Rob. Given he yelled at me, he still spoke".

"Awh, our boys getting better and better. What did he say?" Rene ask.

Ade enters the room with dad, as I tell them "he said 'no'. I pissed him off, you know how much I talk".

Forgetting about me, Man gleams past her girlfriend "Hi Mr. Mota. Nice to see you again ".

"Hi Amanda, Irene, girl I've never met before" he greets.

"Dad, why are you here?" I ask, leading him out the den and into the kitchen.

"Eleanor invited me to have dinner with you all, next week". No, no, no, why? Why does she hate me?

I scratch my forehead "please tell me, you came to apologize in person; for not being able to make it".

"Why wouldn't I be able to make it. Ade promised a delicious meal".

"This doesn't even have anything to do with our constant bickering. Dad, you know how you are at a dinner table". He talks, and talks, and talks... I get it from him. But when dad talks, it's a bunch of nothingness that shouldn't be discussed openly.

"Chas, we use to eat dinner together every night when Elle and I were married. What's the difference this time?.

Ah, the difference this time is Ade... a stranger to his strange ways, and Star... the daughters boyfriend. Dad knows Star as Benny's friend, how will he feel when he sees I'm dating him.

"Did mom or Ade tell you, if they invited anyone else?", I'm panicking.

"No. Is it a dinner party? I can...".

"Just..." I sigh. "I don't know. We'll see you next week then" I gave in.

He poked me, saying I don't seem too enthusiastic. "I want you to come, just... make sure your actually there" I breath out.

I think, in that moment; he slowly but surely began to see where I have been coming? from. "Actually there?" he repeats me.

"Yea. Mr. Jackson Mota isn't exactly the most punctual" I mistakenly roll my eyes.

"But punctual isn't the right word, is it? is this why you won't own up to your behavior Chasity?".

I'm really not trying to get into it with him. I have a day planned of fun in the sun, my best friend is nicely recovering, my boyfriend is about to officially meet my parents, and the sister I never had. I'm having a damn good day, and... here's dad.

"Can we not?" I motion towards the den.

He sighed, agreeing "I came to fix the sink in the bathroom. Elle has been asking me to come over, but I... kept bailing" he says, admitting his mistakes.

"Catch me next time... Please". I really want to talk to him, now that he sort of sees the error.


The girls insisted on Ade tagging along, they said maybe the walk will induce labour. Ade is about ready to pop, so I guess its a half decent plan. If she does go into labour, one of us can bike back for the car. We're walking, but Man and Lyette are on their bikes.

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