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"You're not going to find it" Robin stood in his doorway, as I knelt in the middle of his bedroom floor, exhausted.

I left his side for a hour, and already I'm losing my mind. Ignoring him, I keep searching, under his bed, in his closet, his drawers, his shoe boxes, any crevice.

He chuckled, "Chas, I said you wont find it".

"Yes I will! It can only be in this house. I made you stop carrying it around".

"But I didn't" he leaned against the wall.

I stand to my feet, catching my breath, "Robin. You lied to me? Why?".

He peered at the ground, folding his arms, "I needed to know, my hands weren't my only back up".

"And did it help!?" I yell disappointed. He's fighting for his life right now. That pocket knife failed him.

"For a second, but... Just stop looking, you wont find it here".

I sigh, trying to gather my thoughts, "why would you ask for it, knowing I wouldn't find it?".

"You will, but for now; I need you by my side" he walked out of the room.

I went to chase after him, but he was gone. He sent me here for that stupid knife, just to tell me I wont find it. Where is it? He wants me to have, to remember him by. I don't need a weapon he used to remember him, and he's not going anywhere.

I cleaned the mess I made in Robs room, and went straight back to the hospital.


"Oh, your back" Melissa looks, as I sneak in Robs hospital room.

I smile weakly, "how is he?".

"Same as an hour ago" she sat at Robs side, holding his hand. I stayed with them last night. All night, Mel sobbed. I pretended to be asleep, and Rob did the same.

She felt herself ready to cry again, so she excused herself to the bathroom. I took her seat, while she was in there.

"Guess what I saw, at the house" I ask Robin.

I watch as he tries to form a response. "It doesn't require an answer Rob" I stop him. "It was you. You were at the house. Know what you told me?".

He reached for his pen. I place my hand over his, to stop him. "Again, rhetorical. You said, I wouldn't find the pocket knife there. Yet, you asked me for it".

Rob griped his pad, writing something.

I want you to have it.

"I got that part. Question is, where is it?".

You'll find it.

"Rob, it shouldn't be lost. I asked you to leave that thing home". He wrote, as I spoke. "If you know its not in the house, how will I ever find it. You've been here for 3 months. I wish... I...".

He turned his pad, to face me.

When you find it, I hope you can forgive me. I never meant to hurt you. Everything I do, is for you. I love you.

I roll my eyes, fighting tears. Why is he so sure I will find it, and what did he do to hurt me? Feeling emotional, I let the conversion go. I lean over to kiss Robs head, but he guided my lips to his.

This should be weird, and I'm totally surprised, but I kiss him back. Hearing the bathroom door open, I gently let his lips free. "I love you too".

He held my face close, for a second. Melissa just watched, no questions.

Mom entered the room, interrupting the moment.

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