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"Its not just all the days I've waited, or spent looking for you. Its that, at all my failed attempts to give what you were giving, you would blame my behavior on any little thing happening in my life... making accuses for yourself".

Its been a long time coming, but I'm finally having this conversation with my father. I tried not to go on and on, cause honestly; I can tell him every issue I have with him, but there's no way words can fix anything. There needs to be results, in order for my feelings to change.

Needing to get to the office for an emergency, he ended our well needed talk with an "I hope you know that, if i knew just how bad my abscesses effected you; it would have never went down. You were always the strong one, you and your sister. So good at hiding the pain and disappointment. I'm truly sorry Chas. I love you too much to purposely hurt you. I promise to make up for it all. Whenever you need me, just call, and I will be more involved. I do have to go right now, but again... anything... call me. I love you Drew".

I always loved when he called me Drew. Drew is my great great grandmother (Robs great great, by marriage), dads grandmother. She lived to be 98, and her life was worth every single moment. Grandma Drew was the sweetest ever, everyone lover her.

"I love you too dad" we stand from the patio step, hugging. "And I'm sorry for being a brat that time you grounded me. I knew it was wrong, but I liked bugging you... it was cute pushing your buttons".

He smirked, pointing at me "after today, I realized, I don't deserve your apology. And I'm glad you know right from wrong".

"See ya later dad" I wave smiling, as he got in his BM.


My day is just about over. This morning, I had a big breakfast with my girlfriends, spent some time at the fair with my broke up brothers Caszy and Benny, Star is out the hospital so I took him home after taken 3 hours to chill with Rob and Shaka, had dinner with my lovely mother and Mel, and made up with my father. This has been the best day of my life that I can remember.


The next day was regular; work, Rob, Star, home... only Rene asked me to see what was up with Shaka. He's been acting funny for a couple of fays now, and I've noticed it to. He's spending a lot more time with Rob, he's quieter and I get a odd feel when I'm around him.

Me: The girls are busy, wanna catch a movie... I'm buying.

ShakaBoy: Idk Chas,

Me: Shaka, dont leave me hanging. I dont see you anymore.

ShakaBoy: We see each other, almost every day.

Me: Yea, with Rob. Its like you dont wanna be in my company anymore. Like really, is it Star. I asked you a million times about him. Ever since...

I get a new text from Shakai, as I'm replying. Ignoring it, I send my text without finishing it.

ShakaBoy: Im just dealing with some shit.

ShakaBoy: Ever since what, Chas? Im tired of hearing his name. Star, Star, Star. Did you dismiss Robin? Your unofficial twin.

The fuck is his problem? I don't talk about Star with anyone. The only time I brought him up was when I asked Rob and Kai's approval, or if someone asks what I'm doing and its something with him.

A tear left my eye, why would Kai suggest I'm replacing Rob. I see Rob every day, I love Rob more than I love myself. Shaka needs a tongue lashing and I just might give it to him if he don't calm the hell down.

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