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I sat outside of Stars house, waiting for him to come after me. He just told his mother about the shooting, and in her eyes; I'm to blame. She said since he left his old girl, he's always gone, he acts different, and I'm plotting to take her son away from her too. No clue where the too, came from, and if anything; I'm giving him back?

The women confuses me.

It wasn't long till he came out. That women has some grudge against me, but what. I just met her.

"Awh, baby" Star wrapped his arms around me, pouting.

I hug him back, trying to forget the previous events that got us here. "Chas, I have no idea why she's acting like that".

"At least she knows what happened to you".

"Who cares about that, she has no right being a bitc...".

"Babe, don't talk about your mother that way".

"So you're okay, with her att...".

"No, its not okay, but she is your mother; so you're going to respect her".

I wanted to smack her. Never have I ever been talked down to... by an adult. She is so childish, I cant deal. Once she leaves, I will be happy I don't have to play nice if I happen to see her.

We share a kiss, as I see Mrs. Wilson watching; out the corner of my eye. I held his face. In this moment, I can forget the shit that occurred with us just last night. This relationship with him hasn't been long, but I got a nauseous feeling in my gut.

"Is your father gonna bash me too?" I ask, as he wipes his saliva from my lips.

"I promise, she normally isn't like this. As for my father, he's cool".

I nod, getting into moms car. Was I wrong to force him to tell his parents? It is his business, but if something were to happen with him; your parents should know whats going on in your life.


We pull up to Mr. Wilson's, and Stars whole vibe lit up. His parents may be dysfunctional together, but apart he seems good with them.

He held my hand, leading us into the house, "pops!".

"Yea, hold on!" we hear a man, call from upstairs.

I took it upon myself, to have a seat in the living room. I sighed, slumping into the couch, "I'm sorry I made you do this. I was just...".

"You want to know I'm safe".

"And I'm sorry I was gonna leave. It was the only solution to deal with the stress, I caused from you".

"Yea, that was extreme".

"Really Star, I care hard about the ones in my life. You scared me. I thought getting rid of you, would clear my anxiety".

Star laughs, coming in for a kiss, "thank you baby".

"Cool it, in front of your old man" Mr. Wilson enters his living room.

"Sorry pops. This is Chasity, my girlfriend" Star introduced us.

When Mr. Wilson clearly saw my face, he was taken back a bit. I shake his hand, smiling, "hi Mr. Wilson. How are you?".

He finished processing my face and spoke, "good. Good, and please; call me Knightly".

I bet that's where Star gets his name from. He took another look at me, "I'm sorry hunny, do I know you?".

Ah, no. This my first time meeting, or seeing him. Though, I wouldn't forget his face. Star gets it from his father.

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