Chapter 1 - Intro to both households

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Please do read the last 2 parts as you need to know the characters as well as their background and profiles. Hope you guys enjoy the story. Am trying to use their ALA characteristics but with a totally different story. Hope you guys will comment and vote. Thanks!

No one's POV - The Sarsilmaz Mansion

The Sarsilmaz mansion is a massive structure which has 3 storeys and 10 separate living quarters

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The Sarsilmaz mansion is a massive structure which has 3 storeys and 10 separate living quarters. They share the common ground floor but the way Nejat built the house was to include privacy for all the occupants. All of them have their own apartment style living quarters which they only need to share with their spouses.

Laila and Azime are preparing breakfast while the maid Oya is setting the table in a rush. The Sarsilmaz are very punctual and disciplined with meal time and they try to ensure their family sits together for at least two meals, breakfast and dinner.

Nejat, Murat and Kerem walk into the dining room and are not too happy that breakfast is delayed as they are rushing for an early morning meeting. Laila quickly saunters in with the pancakes and starts calling for Tuval and Doruk. Azime gives a quick stare at Laila to stop calling for Doruk as he had returned home late after his partying.

Tuval walks in with her chirpy good morning greeting. Tuval than asks Murat, ' Murat, can I increase a few more headcount as we may need some extra staff for the next season?' As Murat is about to reply, Laila intervenes, "Children I have told you all many times, my dining table is not your meeting room discussion table. So continue your discussions later in the office, now enjoy the food that has been prepared' Azime smirks looking at the two while Nejat pipes up ' Where is the youngest member of this house?' Azime tries to cover up for Doruk saying he was not well but Nejat orders Kerem and Murat to drag Doruk out of bed immediately. The two of them were just waiting for Nejat to drag Doruk down.

Doruk's room

Karem is holding a bottle of water over Doruk's face and threatening him while Murat has pulled the covers off him. Azime quickly comes there and reminds them that they are no longer in school and coaxes Doruk to come down. Both Murat and Kerem are disappointed as they wanted to smack Doruk for telling tales on them - Doruk is a pranster and loves carrying tales to his beloved grandmother!

The Dining Table

As Doruk descends down for breakfast, Nejat clears his throat and tells him he has missed breakfast and he needs to go along with them immediately as he has to be part of the morning meeting. A sulking Doruk is given a sandwich by his darling grandma and she whispers, ' I prepared this for you, eat in the car'. Doruk kisses his grandmother and mother and rush out.


As the family enters the office one after the other, you hear the staffs wishing good morning and continuing their tasks. Nejat chairs the meeting in the boardroom. Eventhough Murat is the CEO, Nejat still is one of the Executive directors and has veto powers to change direction (but this rarely happens). Nejat than brings up the forbidden topic at home - Ibrahim. Nejat's second son has been missing in action the last 1 year. As much as the family has tried to find him, yet he has been missing. Ibrahim just upped and left without saying anything but he did clear a huge chunk of his bank balance. The family has exhausted all avenues of finding him and have decided that he will return when he wants.

Nejat starts by saying ' Doruk, you will start learning the ropes as of today and will have to eventually take on the role of Head of Marketing and Sales". A stunned Doruk asks ' Whatabout Ibrahim abi (brother)? ' Nejat just replies ' We will deal with Ibrahim when he returns, right now we need someone to focus and build back that department as your Murat and Kerem abi's have too much to handle with the new expansion to Europe". A reluctant Doruk agrees ' Ok Baba, I will start shadowing Murat abi and yourself.' Nejat and the rest are happy that he agreed.

No one's POV - The Uzun's

Hashmet only managed to purchase this 2 1/2 storey 5 bedroom terrace house 15 years ago

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Hashmet only managed to purchase this 2 1/2 storey 5 bedroom terrace house 15 years ago. He had saved up every cent in order for his family to not have to live in rented quarters anymore. The space is cramped but that has never been an issue for the occupants.

Emine and Fadik are busy preparing to open their shop. Emine can't help wondering if Hayat managed to give Cemil his breakfast and get Asli and Ipek to leave on time. Hashmet walks in exactly that moment and queries, ' Emine, did you remind Hayat to pay the electricity bill?' A stunned Emine, says ' yes baba' but in fact she forgot all about it. She quickly signals Fadik to call Hayat and inform her to make the payment.

Hayat's house

After talking to aunt Fadik, Hayat gets annoyed as she had planned to go job hunting that day. Hayat was getting fed up as she has been staying in the house the last 2 months. She temporarily was helping in the shop but her Hashmet Dade (grandfather) was not too happy as he felt she was wasting her time there and he had a tough time chasing young guys who came to flirt with her. Hayat was a very beautiful girl but she always feels inferior to her sister Didem.

As Hayat is lost in thought, she picks up an envelope addressed to Didem and her mind wanders to the fateful day nearly a year and a half ago.

Didem is screaming ar her mother ' I cannot live in this dump anymore, I feel suffocated', Emine than tearfully replies' But have we not provided for everything you've asked and we've even agreed for you to go into modelling' , Cemil than raises his voice' Why are you behaving like this? How can you insult our elders like this?' Didem than just shouts back' I am too beautiful to have to suffer like this, also if I remain in this dump with you all as family, How will I ever land a rich husband?' Hashmet dade, who had just returned from his walk, is so angry that he walks towards Didem and gives her a tight slap.

A shocked and angry Didem, just grabs her packed suitcase and leaves not listening to our mother or Fadik aunty's cries. After that incident, no one says Didem's name aloud as not only did she walk out from our family, she was also the cause of Hashmet Dade's heart attack. After the attack, mom and aunt Fadik have had to run the shop as they want Hashmet grandpa to rest but as usual he has to supervise the shop.

After hiding the envelope in the drawer, Hayat changes her outfit and goes to pay bills and use the remaining day for job hunting.

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