Chapter 34 - Hayat Found

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Murat's POV

We managed to reach Essex in under an hour from London. As we arrived at the police station we were told that their search patrol just located the cabin and there was a very badly injured female in a pool of blood tied up. They were sure it's Hayat as she fitted the description sent by our detective. I was distraught when they explained the condition that they found her. She was barely alive and unconscious. They brought her to the Sutton's Manor Hospital as it was the nearest. We rushed to the hospital. I was praying for her to be stable and conscious soon.

When we arrive at the hospital, we are told to wait but I was very angry and impatient. The doctors had to threaten me so that I calmed down. They were going to bar me from entering the ICU department. After nearly an hour, the doctor walks out "Sorry for being harsh earlier Mr Sarsilmaz but your wife is quite critical and we needed to quickly attend to her," I cut him short and quickly demand "How is she? How is my child? Can I see her now?" Doruk holds me back "Calm down Abi, let the doctor explain," the doctor than say " Right now her condition is still very critical as they did slit her wrist. She has been dehydrated, starved and beaten up pretty badly. There are also whip marks on her legs and back. Someone seems to have repeatedly hit her as well. The only good thing is none of the injuries are on her abdomen or pelvic areas. Seems like they tortured her but did not kill the baby. The baby is surviving although she seems to be unconscious. We have done the best we can and she is currently on drips. We are hoping she will respond to the treatment, if we see no changes in the next 48 hours she could become comatose due to the trauma." As the doctor finishes his findings, I nearly collapse hearing the word comatose. She has to survive, "Dr. can I see my wife?" I ask. "Yes, but only for 5 minutes as she is in the High Intensive Care Unit where we do not allow anyone to linger around."

My heart drops as I see her lying in bed with so many wires hooked up and looking like death. I hold her hand and they are icy cold. There is a big bandage on her wrist. I kiss her forehead and gently place my hand on her stomach "Please come back to me," I whisper in her ears and kiss her temple while tears are running down my cheek. I feel so helpless and useless. I realize that none of this would have happened if I did not come into her life. I should have been honest with her from the beginning. As tears are silently rolling down my face the nurse comes in to tell me I need to go as 5 minutes are up.

"Kerem, can we arrange to bring her back to London to our family hospital?" I ask. "Murat, we inquired already. The doctors have advised not to move her in the next 3 days until she is a little stable. Even our doctors are saying the same. We will only be able to transfer her after she is a little stabilized. Also, her family is on their way as Tuval has informed them," Kerem tells me somberly. With a heavy heart I wait in the waiting room till the hurricane of her family arrives.

My mother, Babane, Tuval, and her family arrive 2 hours later. Her mother and grandfather walk in followed by her brother and youngest sister. Kerem and Doruk update them on everything that transpired and her mother insists that she wants to see her daughter. The doctors allow her and the grandfather to see her for 5 minutes as well as my mother and grandmother. The rest were told to wait till the next day as they needed her space to be contained from any infections. My mother comes and sits beside me after seeing Hayat. She consoles me and embraces me as I breakdown. "Mom, she will never know how sorry I am or how much I love her. I never told her till now," hearing this my mother says "Hayat, is a very strong women. She will fight it and in no time she will be home with you and your babies." As my mother says this Hayat's mother storms towards us "After all this, you expect me to allow my daughter to go home with you?" she bellows loudly. Everyone is taken aback by her behavior as she is always soft and patient. My mom quickly intervenes "Emine, please understand he is also suffering. He never once intended for any of this and he loves her very much as well as Iso and their unborn baby. Please don't hurt him further with your words," Hayat's mother is just very mad as she starts spewing all sorts , she blames my family for Didem's death and now Hayat's condition. She starts belittling my mother saying her crocodile tears was why she agreed for Hayat to marry me and goes on to yell at Babane saying that it was her who begged for this alliance which Hayat never wanted. As she was getting slightly out of control, Ipek and Cemil rushed to her side to take her away from the waiting room.

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