chapter One

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Ahhh college...




Except Hoseok ofcourse...

Oh wait..

I wanna fuck him too...

Ok Jungkook that's enough you have no time to be gay right now you're LITERALLY REVIEWING FOR TOMORROW'S PRELIMINARY EXAM.

"Ugh" Jeon Jungkook's head collapsed on the table where his reviewers are.

"I'm stupid and gay.. perfect." He murmured to himself. He turned his head and saw the clock. It was 8pm already.

"I've been studying for two hours and I still don't know shit yet." He whined. He raised his head and tried to sit straight and focus again on his work.

Jungkook is a first year student taking up Medical Technology. His parents choice.

When he first came into this isolated school. It's isolated because their students are very few. He was devastated. Everything pisses him off that day, his subjects, his schedule, everything.

His subjects are
General Mathematics
Zoology Lab
Anatomy Physiology
Physical Education.
25 units in total.

He thought he wouldn't survive this semester until...

On the first day in his Zoology class, as he slouch in his chair thinking of going back to his dorm. A student entered and it caught his... gay heart.

He was wearing a black fitted pants, black shoes, black shirt, and glasses. He looked so cool. And somehow, Jungkook reminded him of a.. sun?

(Check the image on top to see what I mean 😂)

He sat beside Jungkook, which was at the very back.

The older noticed how Jungook was staring at him so he smiled and removed his glasses and offered his hand to shake.

"Hi, I'm Jung Hoseok" his voice was, how do you describe it. Happy?

Jungkook's heart started beating fast. "Jeon Jungkook" he still manage to act normal. Even though on the inside her heart was pumping rainbow blood.

And that's how he met him.
And they became friends too. Turns out Hoseok was 2 years older. He stopped because he went to south africa for some reason.

Jungkook smiled as he remember that time. It was magical. And then he looked at his pile of reviewers.

"Fucking hell" he said and pick up one of the papers where the skeletal system was printed on it and the parts are labeled.

"scapula... clavicle... sternum... ribs.... oh fuck it!" He tossed the paper away from him.

"I don't even know what I dont-"

His phone started ringing.


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