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"Yoongi walks over to the booths section to see if everything is going well. He is one of the officers so it is his obligation to make sure that their program is going well.

"Oppa!" A girl behind her called. It is Meiyu, a sophomore.

"Hmmm?" Yoongi hummed. He met the girl before but, he doesn't remember her name at all. Classic Yoongi.

"You still remember me right?" Meiyu asked while lowkey trying to act cute.

"Yeah.. but I'm not good with names so.." Yoongi said trying to say "No I don't remember you" in a nicest way possible.

Meiyu pouted before speaking "it's Meiyu! M-E-I-Y-U~" she said saying her name slowly.

"Ah, Meiyu, what is it?" He asked.

While the two are talking, not too far from them is a cute jello watching them. It's Jimin. "Tsss" he said and rolled his eyes.

His teammate Dennis was shocked to see Jimin who is supposed to be watching over their booth. "Jimin you should be in our-"

"Look at that" Jimin said and pointed Yoongi and Meiyu not too far from them.

"What about them? Aren't you supposed to be watching over the booth?" Dennis asked. He's holding a bowl of nachos.

"Do you think Meiyu is pretty?" Jimin asked.

Dennis quickly glanced at Meiyu "she's cute. She's definitely my type. I heard she's good at baking too. That's cute" Dennis commented and Jimin's eyes turned into glare.

"Ooooh" Dennis said. He was about to put a chip in his mouth when he realized something. "You're jealous aren't you?" He asked.

Jimin didn't say a word, instead, he just pouted, looked down, and nodded like a sad puppy.

"Awww" Dennis said and started patting Jimin "it's okay, there are other girls out there, let's give this one to Yoongi hyung, we can't compete with him" he said, completely misunderstanding the whole thing.

Jimin just sighed. "Don't worry buddy" Dennis said, "You still have me!" and he started wrestling the poor boy with one hand.

"Oh shit they're coming here" Dennis said and stopped wrestling Jimin.


Yoongi with Meiyu behind him walks to them.

"Sup hyung" Dennis said and looks at Meiyu and gave her a quick hi.

"Is everything alright?" Yoongi asked and he looks at Jimin who is fixing his uniform.

Jimin realized that Yoongi is already standing in front of them so he stopped doing whatever he's doing. He then looked behind Yoongi and Meiyu is still there.

"Everything is fine" Dennis reassures and looks at Jimin who is definitely not fine judging from his glaring eyes "Anyway, where are you two going?" He asked.

"My booth, which is a milkshake booth, needs some chocolate chips, and Yoongi oppa is going to drive me to the grocery to buy some" Meiyu said who seems excited by the idea of Yoongi helping her.

Jimin pressed his tongue to his inner cheeks. He doesn't look like the usual cute Jimin.

"Anyway, I'll go check your booth once I'm back" Yoongi said and glanced at Jimin to see of he's going to say anything but the boy just looked away.
"let's go" he said to Meiyu and they left.

"I wish I'm as cool as hyung" Dennis said as he watched Yoongi walks away with Meiyu. "I wanna be an oppa material like him" he said. He looks at Jimin. "You good?"

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