chapter TWO

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It was morning and it's the day of the exam. Jungkook still couldn't believe what he had done last night.

He had a freaking boner.

Good thing he was wearing a long ass shirt or that could've been weird.And he covered it with a pillow. He sighed as he walked into the room.

He's not here yet...
He didn't noticed didn't he?

That night was long for Jungkook. Hoseok stayed until 9 pm and then left. The moment he left, Jungkook started to deal with his business down there. Cause it fucking hurts. And hoseok sitting beside him half naked didn't fucking help.

He gave his exam permit to his instructor and decided to sit at the very back. There's only four of them in the classroom because he arrived too early. He couldn't sleep. Well atleast he memorized something.. Like Hoseok's facial and body structure.

Fuck I don't know anything.

He slouch on his chair not giving a single care to the world. He just closed his eyes and remembered what he seen that night.

His glistening body

His abs

His perfect chiseled jawline


"Hmmm??" He hummed still not opening his eyes.

"Did I review you too much last night?" The voice asked.

Wait, that voice sound familiar.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Hoseok leaning close to his face.

"You look tired, did you even sleep?"

"Waah!" Jungkook sprung from his seat causing the instructor to look at him.

"S-sorry sir," he said and he held his fast beating heart.

"What's with you? You're acting weird since last night.. are you sick?" Hoseok placed his hand on the youngers forehead causing his heart to beat faster.

"N-no" he said and he shoved his hand away from him.

"Then why?? Come on you can tell hyung" Hoseok said smiling.

"N-nothing really, I just couldn't sleep well last night... " he went back to his seat.

Hoseok sat beside him although he was a bit far since it was exam, the students are required to be one seat apart from each other.

The Exam has begun and sooner, it ended.

And I'm not gonna write about it anymore cause really it's just an exam.

Since Hoseok finished earlier than Jungkook, the younger was now running around the campus searching for his Hyung.

Canteen? No Hoseok detected.

Men's Restroom? No Hoseok detected.

Library? Rainbow alert, Hoseok detected ❤️

He is sitting with other students and it seems like they are just there to past time.

Hoseok is quite popular in this school. Probably because of his sunny personality. He is very easy to get along with and there's never an awkward moment with him.

Jungkook is standing at the door staring at Hoseok until Hoseok looked at his way.

Hoseok waved his hand and signaled Jungkook to come over to him. He can't shout since he's in the library.

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