Fifteen "Cloudy Skies"

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"-well we're actually planning to make these walls like tiffany blue but then-"

"Umm, Jennie?" Jungkook walks to Jennie who is surrounded by atleast six people.

"Oh Hi" Jennie said.

"Hi, and sorry to interrupt" Jungkook said to her and her friends "have you seen Hoseok?" He asked.

"Hobi? Hmmm..." Jennie thought for a second.

She calls him Hobi?

"Haven't really seen him in a while..." Jennie said while looking around. "But you know what he did mention earlier that he's a little tired so maybe he's upstairs? you can go check if he's there" she said.

"Oh okay, thankyou" Jungkook said and smiled at the rest and left.

He tries to walks upstairs as fast as he can but then he bumps to somebody and they both nearly fell.

"I- I'm so "

"No no no it's my fault I wasn't looking- "

"No it's me my mind is literally floating right now" the guy said and they both laughed.

"I'm Jungkook" he said and offered his hand.

"Lanvin, nice to meet you" he said and they both shake hands.

"You're a foreigner?" He asked.

"Not really, But I was born in Manhattan." He said and Jungkook jaw dropped.

"That's like, a really big city" he said. They both then realized that they are still holding each other's hand.

"O-oh" Jungkook said and they both let go. "Anyway, you're Jennie's friend?"

"Yep, we we're friends in middleschool and then shit happens we had a fight and now we're friends" he said.

Jungkook frowned. "What?" He asked and he chuckles.

Lanvin laughed. "Well, she was dating this guy that I was also happen to be dating and then we both found out and kicked his ass"

Jungkook is speechless "y-you're... ummm.. You are gay?"

"Isn't it obvious, I mean my name is literally Lanvin-couldn't get any gayer than that"

They both laughed and Jungkook remembers he still haven't talk to Hoseok yet. "Oh sht.. I forgot I have someone to talk to umm- it was nice meeting you Lanvin" he said.

"Same here" Lanvin replied.

"Hope to see you again, I have to go" Jungkook said and ran upstairs.

Jungkook realized that there are as much rooms here as there are on the first floor. He started opening the doors one by one but found no trace of him.

"Oh his phone!" He remembers and he quickly grabbed his phone to call Hoseok. Although it's ringing, no one is answering. Luckily he can hear the phone ringing so he followed it.

He made it to the masters bedroom and the phone was there. Just the phone. He dropped the call and looks around the room.
"Where is he.." he said looking at every corner.

"I thought my phone was ringing"

Jungkook looks behind him and sees Hoseok standing by the door. "I was calling you and...umm where were you?"

Hoseok chuckles and went inside and closed the door. "I was in the theater room" He replied. "What is it?"

"Can we talk?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course" Hoseok said who seems to really want to talk too.

"Somewhere? Not in Jennie's room perhaps?" Jungkook asked and Hoseok laughed.

"Let's go to the balcony" Hoseok said and he leads the way as Jungkook follows him. "So you met Jennie," Hoseok started as they walk to the balcony.

"Yeah, she's really nice, very welcoming" Jungkook said as he looks down.

"She is, although some times when she's angry at me she always reminds me of a baby tiger" Hoseok said as he laugh.

Jungkook just tried to laugh but it didn't sound genuine.

They made it to the balcony and the air is really cold and you can see so many lights from where they are standing.

It's quiet for a second and then Jungkook decided there's not much time. "I... I am really sorry" he said and nodded as he said that.

"I am... also.. sorry" Hoseok said while looking at Jungkook.

"Sorry for what?" Jungkook asked.

"For... being so..." Hoseok looks at Jungkook and Jungkook is staring at him as he listens. "Ummm..." Hoseok somewhat felt like he couldn't say anything. So he laughed.

"What's funny?" Jungkook asked who is also quite laughing.

"I had too much alcohol" Hoseok said as he brush his hair upwards.

"Okaay... umm... Are o-"


"Have you seen Jungkook?" V asked to Jennie.

"He's upstairs with Hobi" Jennie said and V walks to the stairs. He realized that he's been waiting for a bit long.

He climbed upstairs and checks the rooms but there's no sign of them.
He then heard a faint sound and slowly walks his way to the balcony.

He then saw a familiar back, Jungkook's back so he walks faster but then he completely stopped when he realized what is happening. Jungkook and Hoseok... are kissing?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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