Fourteen "No Stars"

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Jungkook splashed water on his face and look at his own reflection in the mirror.

Ok why am I acting weird?
What the hell Jungkook this is not a good time. Why am I even acting like this?

He heard a knock.

"Just a minute" he said, loud enough for the person outside to hear.
He grab the napkin from his pocket and wipes his face and fixed himself before opening the door.


Jungkook stands there with his mouth agape. "Hyung"

Hoseok smiled when he sees him. "You're already here,"

"I tried calling you" Jungkook said.

"Oh yeah, I left my phone charging upstairs, sorry." Hoseok said. Jungkook just smiled and shook his head.

"Anyway, wait for me okay?" Hoseok said and he enters the restroom.

"A-actually hyung I have to go." He said and Hoseoks stops and turns to him. "V is waiting for me, I don't want him to feel alone there so... see you later!" Jungkook said.

"Kookie wai-" but Jungkook left already leaving him confused.

When Jungkook got back, V is already there standing while holding two glass of champagne. Also, there's a girl talking to him. Jungkook walks to them. "Hey"

"Oh" V said as soon as he sees him. He then handed him the glass of champagne which Jungkook gladly receives. "Thanks" he said and he looked at the girl standing in front of V.

"Oh, this is Stella" V introduced and Stella smiled.

Jungkook smiled too and then turn his eyes to V. V then looks at Stella "mind if you excuse us?" He said politely. The girl then left.

"What is it?" V asked and he takes a sip of his champagne.

"Can we go home?" Jungkook asked and V was shocked.

"But we just got here" he said. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Jungkook sighed and looks around. "I just... don't feel good" he said while staring at his glass.

"How about some fresh air?" V suggested.

Jungkook thinks for a second and then nodded. "Fresh air sounds good" he said.

They went in the backyard  where there is a swimming pool in the middle. There's only a few people in here compared to the living room area.

V and Jungkook decided to sit on one of the white benches that are placed on the side. "Tell me" V start. "What's bothering you?"

Jungkook sighed and he put down his glass. "I don't know... As soon as I saw Jennie I felt... I don't know"

"She's hot" V said and he took a sip of his drink. Jungkook glares at him. "What?"

Jungkook sighs and looks at the pool. "She's not just hot, she also seems nice, and successful" he said. V just stares at him. "Also I met Hoseok in the restroom"

"What? Where is he now?" V asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "Don't know... I said I'll go first even though he asked me to wait for him."

V then frowned upon hearing what Jungkook said. "Why didn't you wait for him?"

"I'm trying to move on from him remember?" Jungkook said. "I have to, especially now that I met his perfect girlfriend"

"Okay listen" V said and he puts down his drink. Jungkook faces him. "I'm not fond of Hoseok because well... he's kinda my rival..."

"Not anymore.. he's straight" Jungkook sidelined.

"But he's still your friend." When V said that, Jungkook started blinking faster. "He remained as your friend even when he found out about your true self, and even tries to make you feel comfortable as possible and yet... here you are avoiding him..."

"I didn't mean it to be that..." Jungkook tries to defend himself but then he realized everything he done during the past two weeks. He did nothing but avoid Hoseok. Even now.

"You're not moving on, you're practically running away" V added.

"You're right..." Jungkook said and he slowly got up. "I should.. apologize" he said.

"Now?" V asked.

"Yeah now, wait for me here okay?" Jungkook asked and before V could reply he ran off to find Hoseok.

V sighed and leaned back as he looks at the night sky. "What am I doing?" He muttered.

"No stars huh" said a guy.

V sits properly to see who's there and a tall, well built man is standing and holding a glass of gold rum.

"Are you wondering why the sky is empty?" The guy asked.

V then looks up and noticed. "You're right... I just realized it now" he said.

"Oh, then I guessed wrong" the guy said and he drinks his rum. "I never seen you before, are you Jennie's relative?"

"Naah, friend of a friend" V replied.

"I see" he said and he reach out his hand. "Do Ji-Han" he said.

V then did the same. "call me V" he said as he shake hands with him. "So you're friends with Jennie?" He asked.

"Same school" Ji Han replied"And you?"

"Well..." V replied trying to think.. "so I'm friends with her boyfriend's friend." He said slowly. "Hope I said it right" V said and chuckles.

"Oh Hoseok?" Ji Han said.

"Yeah Hoseok," V said and smiled while staring at the pool.

"Mr. old money " Ji Han murmurs and took a sip.

"I'm sorry what?" V asked not completely hearing what the man just said.

"It's nothing" Ji Han said and smiled at him. "But I must say" he said before finishing his glass of rum, "there are a lot of interesting people here today."

V tried to smile even though he's quite confused by that sentence.

"Enjoy the party V" he said while raising his empty glass to V before walking away.

"You too" V said with a smile and the man walks inside. 

V is thinking what just happened but decided to just brush it off.

He then looks at the blue sky. "Why are you empty anyway" he asks.


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