Misery is what I've become *Bonus*

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Zor pov

"What do you think makes you feel broken inside?" Questioned my therapist. Never thought I'd need one.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I have anger and sorrow bulit up inside me. I am haunted every night by the sins I've committed. How I betrayed my own gift sent to me. Makes me angry.

My life is falling apart. Living everyday is a constant battle.

She's  not here anymore.

"Is it not obvious?" I ask him. "My Magdalena left me... She left me, my son doesn't want a thing to with me. That's enough to break any man."

Every night and Day, the same question would repeat in my head.

Why did I do it?

At first I couldn't let her go. It made me feel powerful having two women at this disposal.

Maneula was a women that my mother when we were younger approved of and came to love. She told me never to break her heart. How could I. Maneula and I had been through a lot. We had a child who didn't make it. In a way I felt like that bonded me to her.

When I found Magdalena. She had in a was in an instant became the center of my world. The moment I laid eyes on her she was so beautiful.

Did I ever really tell her enough how beautiful she was?

"Do you think you can ever get her back?" He questioned.

After all the cheating and betrayal that I caused her. I doubt she'd ever come back to me.

Magdalena knew about all the years that Maneula and i have slept with eachother. It was always easy to go to Maneula.

Magdalena would never let me touch her or let alone go anywhere near her radius after she found out about me sleeping with and after getting Maneula pregnant. Magdalena would never even have a conversation about us like we used to.

Can I blame her?

That's what my choices lead to. 

"I pray ever night for her to come back and make it work but, I am being selfish and greedy thinking that would ever happen. She left and when she did I could see it in her eyes there was no coming back."

The day she left she took my heart with her.  It hurt. There was nothing I could so because she had the queen backing her.  I didn't want to let get go.

I always believe she would always be there.

I was wrong. 

Now I couldn't even look at Maneula anymore. I couldn't stand her presence. There where times where I wish I could kill her. I want to blame her for my constant cheat but I have no one else to blame but myself.

I live in constantly misery.

The pack is falling apart. People are leaving, the pack and I are close to bankruptcy. It is all stacking up on me.

Everyday there are people leaving the gatherings are becoming smaller and smaller. I look at the people around me when I'm at gathering.

I can't help but think...

Why did I let anyone step over my mate?

Now all have lost respect for Maneula. She used to be loved by everyone but it all seems to stop when she got pregnant... with her child.

Now Maneula is treated like dirt and scum on this earth. She once talked to this she-wolf aggressively which ended up with Maneula getting attacked.

She would come to be with cut and bruises telling me to do something about it. I never do.

As for the mother of my mate. After a while I kicked get out along with Maneula from my house. I couldn't stand them. I should have down that a while ago. No one in the pack shows them any mercy.

It trying to rectify a situation that is long over due.

After my therapy session. I take a stroll myself. I drown myself in my misery. 

I go to cottage. Where Magdalenas sent is still there. I spent a lot of time here. Then end up leaving in to the pack house. Where I am met with many trouble that the pack has going and tons of paperwork.

When I get to my office. The tv is on. Where werewolf news is playing.

"Today we have one of the world's most famous fashion icon Magdalena is engaged to commander of the underworld army Dane the Demon. Congratulations to them."

Anger, hurt and jealous is what at felt at instant. That's my soul mate.

I have to watch my mate with a demon. The one that took her to the castle. It makes me angry and jealous. Another man is touching what belongs to me.

The ways she looked at him. She looked so I'm love. My own son next to the demon in a welcoming manner. My son was never like that with me.

To see how much I threw away.

That could have been me. But the choices I make...stopped me from being happy ultimately.

I felt a tear fall from my eyes. I couldn't help by break down. I started to break and trash everything in my office as my anger got the best of me.

She's happy without me.

She's in another man's arms.

That's as enough to make me lose myself to the wolf. I found myself running out the house and into the woods.

The need to bring her back was strong. So strong.

"Zor." I turn and there was Manuela.

I growled at her.

"She's with someone else. That means we can be together." She says with tears falling down her face.


I jumped her and ripped her throat out. My wolf tore her body apart. There I my wolf drenched in her blood.

When I got home walking and naked. Everyone looked terrified of me. It looked as if I took a blood bath.

When I got cleaned up.

All I could remeber is Magdalena. Every moment we had together.

How I wish I could bring back time.





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