Stan's treatment in "The Cissy"

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I'm confused why Butters was mean to Stan in "The Cissy". From what I gather, Stan wasn't discriminating against anyone in that episode. He was questioning his own gender, but he wasn't hating on Cartman or Wendyl/Wendy. I understand Cartman being mean to Stan, because Cartman is mean, but I'm not sure why Butters backed him up except that Butters can be surprisingly mean when it comes to backing up Cartman.

On a slightly different note, Stan didn't have ANY problem when Wendy(l) was a boy. Stan's conflict was that he was questioning his OWN gender, but he wasn't freaking out that he was now dating a dude. Which means, at least to me, that Stan doesn't care what gender Wendy/Wendyl identifies as (I know she was just proving a point to Cartman and not actually trans, but Stan didn't know this)

If Stan doesn't care that he's dating a boy instead of a girl, that leads me to believe he's pan, and not straight. I'm not an expert at sexualities and romantic orientation stuff but that's just my opinion *shrugs*

also, trans or not, you don't burst in on someone while they're on the toilet XD (lookin' at you, Wendyl xp)

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