♡ 6 ♡

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---- y/n pov ----

The car ride back to my house was really fun. Jin kept telling me all his dad jokes and jimin and tae were fighting over crisps. Obviously yoongi was sleeping but he rested his head on my shoulder the whole way back, again hoseok held my hand the whole time ever since I sat down he even did my seat belt for me, and Jungkook was jamming out to music while namjoon was reading a book.

It was really fun, I didn't want it to end.

But here we are now all sat round a log burner stove watching the grinch wrapped in blankets, in their holiday home, which might I say isn't a home it's a mansion.

If you imagen a lake house up in the Netherlands this is what it's like, large all seeing windows with long cream curtains pushed back on looking the beautiful view. An open plan kitchen with black marble tops and dark oak cubbords with aesthetic lighting.

Everything is like it's been picked out of pinterest or some sort of magazine.

It's beautiful.

I haven't even seen the rest of the house but I'm sure it looks just as beautiful.

Namjoon walks into the lounge from one of the bedrooms probably setting up his stuff in that room, he smiles and waves at you was he grabs a blanket and sits to your right on the sofa behind you.

"Y/n..?" He wispers.
You look at him again wondering what he wants.
"Your mum said that if you want to sleep in this house tonight you can and she'll drop your stuff over tomorrow morning?" He speaks as he fiddles with the blanket trying to get it to sit over his shoulders.

You nod,"but I don't want to be more of an inconvenience than I already am..." You sigh.

But the second you said that all heads shoot towards you.
"Your not an inconvenience!!" Taehyung shouts.

"Don't ever think that, you are not a bother" Jimin repeats.

And soon everyone else is shouting saying that your no trouble and that their happy your here.

You feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see yoongi awake smiling.
"You are no trouble at all in fact we would want you to stay with us the whole time we're away from the tour, I would really like that."

You nod and smile "okay, I'll stay."
You soon hear loud hurrays and cheers coming from the other boys.

A few good hours past and you and the boys are now all seated on the sofas munching away at the snack 's Jin made you, you've been watching films all day but now it's around 8 pm and your asking questions and getting to know each other.

"What's your favourite colour y/n?" Jimin asks while his cheeks stuffed with marshmallows making him look like a chipmunk.

You think "I'd say I like all colours but I prefer black."

"Good choice." Yoongi nods.

"Y/n how are you feeling?" Hoseok asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

To be honest you haven't really had a chance to think about how you got here in the first place, without being shot you could've never have been here with them. You could've died. Died. Oh God what would your mum do? And your friends? And the boys would they even carry on making music?!

Without noticing your eyes fill up with tears and quickly pour down you face as you start to overthink, everything that has happened. You were asleep for 4 days and not once did the boys leave you. Hose OK has been crying too most likely throughout the whole 4 days, you begin to feel horrible and guilty that you caused so much trouble.

"Oh, oh no y/n please don't cry I'm sorry I didn't mean t-to make you cry, please don't cry, everything's okay now." Hoseok panic's and grabs a blanket and covers you with it as he grabs some tissues and dabs away your tears which keep falling.

Soon he begins to cry as well. He feels dreadful for causing you to cry, he gets up stiffly and excuses himself to his room before exploding into tears in front of everyone.

Jimin quickly follows after giving you a quick smile and shooting off into a corridor where their rooms are.

Yoongi puts his arm around you and rubs your back, "it's alright let it all out...you've been holding it in for a while and it's a good time to let it all out." He flashes you a gummy smile and Taehyung wipes your tears away with the tissues.

You nod and rubs your eyes dry before looking up to everyone, "I'm sorry...I didn't want to worry everyone but I guess I did."

Jin chuckles and gives you the biggest smile, "hot chocolate everyone?" He suggests and everyone nods as he quickly gets up already knowing the answer.

Namjoon taps the coffee table in front of you making you look to him, "we may be idols y/n but you and i are humans, you have every right to cry and worry" he smiles "we are all deeply grateful for you saving hoseok, and we want you to be able to feel comfortable around us and the same for us, so will you let us all become your friends and promise us not to hold back your tears,fears or worries with us - we're your friends and we care about you okay?"

You nod slowly and take deep breaths to relax yourself.

"Um...namjoon..." you hesitate calling him by his name because he may prefer his stage name. He nods and smiles to reasure you. "I- *sniffle* I read some comments on some social media...after the interview an-"

He cuts you off quickly "don't worry about the Internet now, we will all read the comments and words they say, together." He smiles widely showing his dimples "don't you think that would be nice?" He considers

You smile and nod.

That does seem nicer and you now feel a lot better knowing that if you do see horrible comments they will see them to and help you feel better, you begin to imagen yoongi saying savage come backs to the posts and without noticing you giggle lightly.

Taehyung smiles and ruffles your hair, "that's the giggle we are beginning to love, don't be upset now what's important is that you are here now. And safe with your favourite friends" he grins with his boxy smile hold his arms out for a hug.

You hug him back and soon everyone else joins in smiling brightly.


Chapter 6 overrrr I have a feeling this book it's going to be a decently long book as I have many ideas and know that the end is a bit away.
Poor hobi, but I'm sure that very soon he will be smiling again.
Oh did I forget to mention? Where y/n could be sleeping? Hm I don't know find out in the next chapter
He he he.
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