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— your pov —

A familiar warm hand holds onto your's tightly, you can feel small droplets batter your skin and the small soft strokes of a thumb against your hand.

You could feel your throat burn with flames, it feels as if you swallowed a burning piece of coal and had it implant your skin.

You shake that thought from your head before trying to squeeze the familiar hand back.

You smile slightly as you feel it squeeze your back reminding you of the first time you woke up from anaesthetic.

You flutter your eyes open and warmly smile at the whimpering boy who's heart shaped mouth looks broken and eyes shimmering with tears peering from the sides.

"Hi Hoseok..." you croak out, your voice being hoarse and broken a bit from the stinging pain the resides in your throat.

"Don't speak, I don't want you to hurt." He quickly replies before shuffling his seat closer and grabbing both of your hands.

"It's okay...the police are investigating what happened and were on the look out for Coco.." he mumbles quietly.

You open your mouth to speak but shut it tighter before nodding to him and squeezing his hand in response.

He soon looks around the room before smiling to you, "I recommend you get another rest, it won't be long until morning." He hums softly before squeezing your hand.

You only nod and tiredly smile at him before snuggling into the squishy mattress.

He giggles at your childish action before pulling the thin sheet over you a little and tucking you in.

"Thank you Hoseokie" you grin before closing you eyes tightly.

It took you while to feel at peace a little before you completely shut off but you knew he stayed with you the whole time as he never let go of your hand.

Soon you felt the begging sleep swamp over you before engrossing you into a deep slumber.

— hoseoks pov —

I just smiled while waiting for her to fall asleep, she's so cute, ah I can finally breathe...she's okay!

She's actually still here and I can hold her in my arms again, I just, I just hope she'll accept me...

While being locked in my own thoughts I didn't notice when her grip on my hand loosened and I saw her peaceful sleeping face.

I tried to hold back a giggle as she snores slightly, she's so precious.

Slowly standing up I take one last glance around the room before placing my lips on her forehead, "goodnight Y/n....." I smile before making my way around the bed and sliding open the door.

Only to be greeted by a strange man in a black hoodie and piercing green eyes.

"Nice to finally meet you j-hope."

Before I knew it I felt tight hands clasp around my throat before my vision goes blank.

But my mind only lingers on one thing.


"Y/n!!" I gasp aloud as I feel a shocking coldness to my face.

"Where is she!?!?" A panicked voice calls out as they grab my collar.

"Woah Yoongi let him breath! He was unconscious!" Namjoons squeals before pushing him of me.

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