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— your pov —

Jin hurls the car into the parking lot and everyone gets filled with excitement as the flip on their masks and you also slip on yours.

You jump out the van and follow taehyung who is currently prancing towards the Gucci store.

Butterflies of nerves explode in your stomach as you make your way into the store.

After stepping in you gaze in awe as the whole store is filled with the most gorgeous clothing and accessories your mouth hangs open in speechlessness.

"So, y/n...what do you like?" Namjoon asks walking you toward the women's sections where most of the boys are.

"I-I...I don't know...it's all mesmerising.." you whisper out.

Namjoon chuckles, "it's alright, all of us are getting two things for a surprise I just want to get something that you really want." He explains.

You just nod taking a look at everything, "but what if you get the same thing as someone else?" You consider.

"It's alright while we're at the til we'll go through everything." He smiles.

You nod then take a look around, you spot a pair of sneakers on one of the models your completely hypnotised at how perfect they look and how much you want them.

But, like the shy person you are you fight away from staring at them and try to find something else.

That's cheaper.

Namjoon giggles and walks over to the shoes. "So you like these?" He snickers.

You gulp and nod, "their really pretty..." you mumble.

"But we can get something else their too expensive!" You beg while twirling on your foot and walking away.

"What's your shoe size?" Namjoon insists.

"No no I can't you can't you already got me this lovely necklace getting the shoes would cost too much!" You file in all your points at Namjoon.

He smirks.

"Are you forgetting that we're like the biggest boy band in the world and that we wear expensive clothe like this all the time, I think it's just fine to get these for you. What's your shoe size?" He fights with you.

"It's..." you mumble your shoes size and he nods picking out and box with your shoe size on it and smiling at you.

"Okay go find one of the other members the next one is a surprise." He grins while pushing you away nearer to Jungkook.

"Hoya y/n!" He smiles while holding two piece for gorgeous clothing while walking to the till where the rest of the boys are now congregated.

You smile at them all just being completely overwhelmed by their kindness and loving ness.

It's as if their more of a family than your real one, Jacob is hardly this nice to you on your birthday, even your parents didn't really appreciate you slightly you know they loved you but they only had time and effort to give to your sick sister.

You understood that and it's why your so independent now. You like being this way.

After all the boys have paid they make their way over to you.

"Where do you want to go next?" Taehyung ask's with his four huge bags of Gucci glorious things.

You shift your eyes over to the store opposite which happens to be probably one of the most amazing and childish stores in the whole world.

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