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Your eyes flutter open, your nostrils filling with the reek of alcohol and cigarettes, you scrunch up your nose in digits and the blinking light hangs from the ceiling.

"Ohh your awake now hm?" Their skin crawling voice lingers in the atmosphere.

You try to move but get pushed back down onto the bed harshly again.

"Don't even think about it."

Your eyes widen and you fill up with fear shaking and quivering. Your kidnapped. Your pupils shrink as your begging to freeze up when you see a young man, not even decently looking but he isn't at least a 50 year old man.

But this only means he'll be stronger.

You reach for your phone in your pocket abruptly sending your location to all of bangtang, secretly as he turns his back on you pouring another glass of the amber liquor.

Your skin forms small lumps and bumps and your feel a lump in your throat, the uncomfortable atmosphere reminding you of how much real danger your in.

You get up again quickly dashing towards the door, only to be stopped by the sound of a gun loading.

"Take one more step princess. I'll shoot."

This was your trigger...ever since that day you were stubborn and put on a horror film. Everyone figured out your trigger and it was guns.

Your heart is pacing as your try to steady your breathing, 'you can do this y/n!' You plead with yourself.

Hoseok and yoongi will be here soon.

You hope.

"I want you to go back and sit on that bed. If you don't I'll pull the trigger right here right now." He calls out again.

You slowly turn around taking small steps towards the messy and unclean bed perching on it again.

You watch as a sickening smirk crawls onto his face, "very good.."

Your mind is creating so many ways of escaping and you quickly glance around the room not noticing how he's still holding the gun and is strolling closer to you.

He slowly lowers his gun and pulls out a shiny reflective object.

Your eyes widen when the object closes in on your left arm.

"You scream and I'll hurt you more." He bitterly days before a shot of pain runs deep into your arm.

— jimins pov —

Me and yoongi are rushing around every part of the city nearly, my head filling up with anxious thoughts and worries I can't seem to think straight as I know I've caused this.

I called her a bitch! Why did I do that.

I feel dreadful. What if we can't find her?!?

Yoongi pulls his phone out dramatically and I watch his eyes widen, "she sent her location!" He screams out dragging me to run with him.

Why did she send it? Is she...no. Don't do it y/n!!

As we're running I spot hoseok and Jungkook running to the same place yoongi is dragging me.

We all out of breath end up at a small apartment building with few windows illuminate by the lights inside.

Hoseok doesn't hesitate going into the building rushing towards the front desk.
"Have you seen a girl about thing high," he gestures to the secretary with his hand, "she's wearing loose clothing with joggers and vest?"

We're all by now crowding around the desk I can just see over the top, why do people make desks this high?!

I watch her face as she thinks for a bit, "Yeah she was being carried by her boyfriend to their apartment..he said she was drunk and collapsed?" The secretary innocently says.

Yoongi quickly buts in, "which room."
She just looks weirdly at him, "I can't give that information.."

Yoongi sighs and pulls down his mask, "please help us she's one of our close friends." He pleads using his identity as a bribe.

Her face lights up seeing that members of bts were here so she instantly gives us the keys to all rooms, "please take care, it's room 356 and I'm sure the girl is y/n I assume?" The secretary speaks up.

Yoongi pulls his mask up and nods, "thankyou so much for your cooperation.

Hoseok has already gotten in the elevator his eyes pouring with tears and the brim of his mask soaking by his tears.

Jungkook calls Namjoon while we all scramble into the elevator.

I just hope this man hasn't harmed our lovely y/n.

Please stay strong y/n.

— your pov —

Your screams bellow out as you can't feel your arms anymore, feeling all the harm burning in pain.

"Shut up. No one is going to come for you so just give up." Frustration laced in his voice.

You sit up scowling at the young boy who sinisterly stares at you, "your that girl who was shot aren't you."

Your eyes widen and you forget the words that you were going to say.

"I suspect your silence is that you are," he chuckles. "I'll put you up for ransom. If they really care about you they'll try to get you back."

You feel enraged of course they will, if not you know yoongi would. And hoseok.

You scowl, "of course they care about me" you snap.

You standup and make a dash for the door again, only to be pulled back and thrown at the floor.

You again get up being persistent and grabbing the door handle, only to find the door locked tightly.

His arms squeeze around you lifting you away from the door and throwing you onto the wall.

"You bitch! Your not going to escape."
He scoffs.

Your distracted by the wriggling clicking sounds of the door unlocking, the guy instantly grabs his gun and traps you in a head lock.

Swinging open hoseok rushes in your eyes widen and you begin to shake, "HOSEOK DUCK!" You scream out before the kidnapper pulls the trigger.

Your mind flying back to the concert, "NO!"  You bellow our before stamping on your kidnappers foot and breaking free from his grasp.

Trying to reach hoseok, to only see and small skinny figure push hoseok down before you.

Being shot and falling lifeless to the floor...



This was eventful.

Hope your liking all the angst and drama trust me I will make this book have a happier ending just please hang on.

Plus. No ones going to die in this book!

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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