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Soon after the hug, you thank everyone again and tell them to go rest since it's been the most hectic day for all of them.

You just pick up your presents and put them in yoongis and jins room one by one before finishing.

However you do set up the new phone yoongi got you and ask him to help you with it, one that is done all the boys are itching to get you number and theirs set in yours.

You only smile at the find memories your going to look back on.

You hug yoongi and thank him yet again for the gifts, but he holds onto for much longer than you intended.

You pull away and smile at him and he returns your smile with a gummy one.

After settling down hoseok ask's you to trying the onesie he got you so you can both take a photo together in the big mirrors in the dance practice room.

You giggle and quickly manage to put the onesie on and meet him in the dance room.

Where you find him lying on the floor staring up to the ceiling.

"Hobi~" you hum making him sit up and smile at you as you walk over to him.

You perch next to him and pulls his hood over he face laughing at your own mischievous trick.

He laughs also and just pulls your hood of your onesie over you head too chuckling as you pull a funny face.

He pulls his phone out and tugs you closer to him putting his arm around your shoulder and taking a photo in the mirror catching you of guard.

He only giggles at your stupid shocked face looking back on the photo, "Hey come on! Delete it!" You beg.

"What? You probably seen all the embarrassing photos of me!" He pushes you away making you slide across the floor of the practice room like some kind of penguin gliding across ice.

You giggle adorably and rush back over to him, "come onnn let us take a better photo!" You persuade.

Hoseok only giggles and hands you his phone.

You smile brightly and pull him up posing in a swagger way waiting for him to pose also, you then take a few photos like that changing up your poses and giggling when you look back at them.

Hoseok grins while having his arm wrapped around your waist, while you trying to figure out which face to pull Hoseok only just stares into the mirrors before watching you switch to something like a mirror selfie.

When your settled you grin and click the camera button.

But as you do you feel something grab your cheeks and soft place themselves on your lips.

Your eyes widen largely ask you just stare at Hoseok who is all red and filled with embarrassment pulling away and instantly pulling his hood over his face.

"I'm..s-sorry..I didn't ask.." he mumbles looking towards the ground.

Your heart is beating incredibly fast you can feel your face completely heat up as your cheeks glow in a rosy colour.

You mind flickering with so many new emotions, butterfly's exploding like fire works in your stomach.

"...I-it's Okay Hoseok..." you smile warmly, and hug him.

It felt right, not forced in anyway...not uncomfortable in anyway.

It was sweet.

Hoseok just holds you closer to him smiling brightly to himself the feeling of something similar to ecstasy fill him up inside.

"I love you y/n." He mumbles quietly.

"I hope you know that," he follows.

Before pulling away and smiling brightly at you warning you up straight away, he then holds your cheek gently and kisses your forehead softly.

Before ruffling you hair and walking out of the practice room.

"Happy birthday y/n," he grins before shutting the door behind himself.

You flop to the floor two of the bangtang boys love you.

Who the hell do you pick!?

You can't!

You just can't!

You put your head in your hands sighing you need to tell someone.

But who?

Jacob? No way...Namjoon? That might be best...but...you don't want to cause more problems.

...maybe I should give her a chance.

You go to grab your phone and text Jacob.

You : Hey could I have jades number?

Cornonthecob : sure.
Cornonthecob : its +44 *********

You : ok thnx

You soon add her as a contact...

Looking at it you debate calling her.

No she wouldn't understand, she's too busy, you think to yourself and soon begin to leave the dance room.

Strolling down the hallways you bump into Jungkook.

"Hey! How's the birthday girl?" He grins.

Filling up frustration you just tear up, "I don't feel so good..." you mumble.

Jungkook suddenly grabs your wrists and drags you into a room filled with boxes and storage.

"What happened." He glares into your glistening eyes.

You just hug him.

"I'm stuck...hoseok and yoongi have both said they love me in a different way..and I don't want to hurt their feelings! They deserve someone so much better than me! A-and I don't know who to pick...I don't want to pick!!" You sniffle our crying into his chest.

"Awh y/n.." Jungkook whines and hugs you back, "please don't cry about this you should be happy they like you! Who wouldn't? Okay I don't like you in that way because I love you like a little sister"

"But I think you should let them prove it to you that they really love you." He states wiping away your tears.

You nod thinking about his words.

You look around the room, "What is this room supposed to be?" You mumble.

Jungkook giggles, "it's just a storeroom where we just chuck stuff in here." He smiles.

You nod and look to the floor.

"Y/n don't think about it too much, just have that wonderful smile you always wear and let yours and feelings grow okay?" Jungkook comforts.

You nod and smile, "thankyou kookie."

"Your welcome y/n/n" He grins before you both leave the spare room.


This is shorter chapter since that last one was so long so I'm giving ya a break.

However be prepared for what's going to come next it's going to be a big roller coaster.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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