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Today was the first day of senior year. Only a year left. Which I was thankful for. Let's face it, school is just hell. Who in their right mind wants to wake up at 5 am? The devil. That is who!

I was currently lying in bed, scrolling through Instagram when I noticed the time.

"SHIT!" I shout, rushing into the bathroom to quickly shower

After showering and getting ready for priso-. School, I grabbed an apple before heading out the door. My mum and dad both work early morning so I only see them when I get home from school. We moved to L.A 5 years ago so they could continue to keep the same jobs. I didn't mind though as I met some amazing friends here and plus they have a great college that I want to apply for.

"Beale!" I heard my best friend, Emily, shout

I stopped in my tracks and felt her hand on my shoulder, we had a quick hug before walking to school, getting Starbucks on the way. When we arrived at school we went to get our timetables. Emily and I only had a few classes together but I guess it was better than no classes at all.

As we were a few minutes early we sat out front and talked to our group of friends. Stacie, Amy, Benji, and Aubrey were talking about some new TV series that they were all watching. While they all spoke, CR and I just spoke about what we did over summer.

"Hey, who is that?" I heard Amy asked

I turned my head to where everyone else was looking and seen a small, skinny girl with brown hair, she had two french braids in, ripped jeans and a black Adidas hoodie on. I had never seen her here before so I guess she was new.

"That is Beca Mitchell. She moved in a few doors down from me a couple weeks ago with her parents and sister. I heard she got kicked out of her old school so she is having to come here now" Stacie told us

She looked lost and pretty down but I am pretty sure everyone looks down when they are at school. It was the worst 8 hour of my life and I could not wait to leave.

"The family never introduced themselves to anyone but I bumped into her sister at the coffee shop the other day. Never talked or even looked up at me though. It was weird" Stacie shrugged

I nodded and then the bell rung, indicating it was time for our first lesson. We didn't do homeroom at this school which I kind of liked. I don't want to waste my time any more than I have to here.

My first class was English, I didn't mind English but it wasn't my favourite lesson of all time, I preferred acting class and I also enjoyed Science for some reason.

"Chloe, late on the first day," Mr. Stones said

"By 2 minutes, I am sure I didn't miss anything too exciting" I sassed

He laughed and pointed to the empty seat at the back. He was one of the few teachers who could actually take a joke. I took my seat and got my notebook out. I had Alex to my left and then the new kid, to my right.

"Hey Alex, do you have a pen? I must have dropped mine earlier" I whispered

"Sorry Chlo, I don't"

I sighed and turned my head to Beca. Since I didn't want to seem weird by knowing her name already, I tapped her on the shoulder, making her jump. Someone clearly wasn't paying any attention.

"Sorry I made you jump, do you have a spare pen?" I asked

She nodded, getting one out of her bag. I thanked her and began writing what Stones had wanted us to copy down.

After the hour had finally passed by, everyone began to pack up their things. I went to give Beca her pen back but she had left before I even had the chance. I would just keep it for my next lesson and try to find her later. Not sure a pen mattered but some people care sometimes.

"Hey want to come to the movies after school?" Benji asked as I sat in my seat

I had science but our teacher wasn't here yet.

"Yeah sure, I need to go home first to get some money," I told him

"We can stop at mine first then go to yours on the way to the film?" He said and I agreed to do that

The bell went off and a second later our teacher walked in. As much as I loved Science, I did not like our teacher. He just did not smile and certainly couldn't take a joke.

"So today we will be learning about the hum-"

He was cut off by someone opening the door. I looked up to see Beca again.

"Nice of you to finally join, 5 minutes late!" Mr. Harp said sternly

She didn't say anything, just took a random seat which was behind me.

"Well are you going to give me a reason as to why you turned up late to my class" Harp shot

Beca just shrugged at him, not saying anything. She was either nervous or did not speak.

"She is new and probably got lost" I spoke up

"Very well, just take a seat and don't be late again"

I sighed and began to pay attention to what we were being taught. He was obviously blind too, considering she had already sat down.

I get that the first day of a new high school may bring some nerves but I wouldn't think she would be that nervous, also when Beca flinched earlier at me tapping her arm was a little weird. I didn't want to assume anything so I just pushed the thought to the back of my head.

"You are starring," Amy said, poking my arm

I shook my head and looked at her. I have to admit, she was pretty damn hot. There was something about her that I liked, she seemed quiet but the sort of person who could throw a punch if they needed to. I'm not sure why i'm so intrigued by her?

The rest of my school day went as planned, terrible!

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