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"Just stop talking about him," I huffed

"But he said he regrets everything he has ever done Beca, you can't ignore him forever, he is my husband," My mum told me

"The husband that has hit me for the past 10 years! He does not regret anything mother and he never will. He loves to see me in pain and I can't believe you still believe his lies. It just goes to show that you care more about that scum than your own child!" I said, tears in my eyes

They were tears of anger. I was pissed that she believes everything he is saying, he loves nothing more than to see me on the floor, in pain because of what he has done.

Before my mum could even finish this argument, I walked out of the house. I had no idea where I was going but I just had to get away for a few hours. As I knew Chloe was home alone, I headed over there. She is the only person I want to talk to right now. Dani was out so I didn't want to bother her.

Once I had arrived at Chloe's house, I knocked and waited until she opened the door. She gave me a big smile and let me in. Nearly every time I see her she is always smiling. There have been a few days when she is down but everyone has bad days, for me that is every day.

"What brings you here?" She asked me

"Just needed to get out the house and you are the only person I wanted to talk to" I huffed

"Something happened?"

"Only an argument with my mum, again," I said, rolling my eyes

She looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I don't need her to pity me. She doesn't realize she is, I never mention it because I am not going to make her upset. I have upset her many times before when I used to shut her out.

Chloe was currently telling me about something her and Stacie were doing tomorrow, she asked if I wanted to join. Before saying anything my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Dani texting me.

'Mum isn't home and her car is gone. Did she say anything about going somewhere to you?'

'No idea where she is. We had an argument this morning and I left before she could finish it. I am with Chloe'

"Is everything okay?" M asked me

"Yeah, Dani just texting me"

"If you ever need to get away from your house for a bit then you are always welcome to stay around here Bec" She said softly

"Thanks, Chloe, it means a lot" I mumbled

"I know it doesn't feel like things are getting better but they will. He is out of your life now and can't hurt you anymore. Your mother will eventually realise what he was doing was horrible. I don't know why she hasn't figured it out by now but she clearly cares for him for some sick reason. All you need is your sister and friends, you are better off that way" Chloe told me

"You and Stacie are the only friends I have. 3 people in my life who I actually talk to, it is so pathetic when everyone else has so many people they can go and talk to and hang out with. I feel so stupid for only having 3 people who care about me" I sighed sadly

"That is a good thing. 3 people may not seem like much but that is all you need. Too many people are just annoying" She smirked

I knew she was only trying to make this situation better. Stacie and Chloe had so many people they could hang around with but they sometimes get stuck with me and I wonder if they ever want to just leave to hang around with other people, I mean I'm kinda boring.

"I'm going to go home and see Dani" I sighed

"Text me later?" She asked

I nodded, giving her a small smile before making my way home. Let's just hope my mum isn't there when I get back.

Once I had arrived home, I walked into the kitchen to see my sister talking to her. Great. I rolled my eyes, walking out.

"Beca just come here" She spat

Why the hell was she angry?! I am not the one sticking up for the man who hits her kid!

"I'm sorry for earlier but you have to understand that I have loved him for a long time now and removing him from my life isn't something I can do. I miss him so much Beca and I know how much pain he has caused you and Dani but that is in the past now, can't you move on from it?"

"No! I can not move past it. Do you know how many times he made me feel shit, he made me feel so low, to the point where I wanted to kill myself! The fact that you don't seem to care makes you just as bad as him. I hate him and he has caused me so much pain. I am broken and that is all his fault! I am scared of every little thing because of that man. Someone goes to touch me and I flinch, thinking I am going to get beat up. I can't let that go, it has happened for 7 years, I can't just forget and fucking move on. If you can then that shows what side you choose to take" I shouted

I didn't care how she reacted, I was done with her and her shit. She cared more about that man than me and I knew where we stood. I couldn't even class her as my mother anymore. I tried to forgive her and build a relationship but she always went back to him and completely forgot about me. I've put up with all this shit for far too long and I think it's time to put myself first for once.

"Oh, you are so selfish, Beca Mitchell!" She hissed

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Says you 'mother'. You only ever think of yourself and that abusing asshole. Never about your own flesh and blood! Why don't you love me? I have always been a disappointment to you. I should have jumped off that bridge, saved you the trouble of having a kid like me" I said, glaring at her

"Shut up" She shouted, slapping me around the face

"I feel nothing anymore, not after your husband abused me every fucking day. I hope you realise what you are going to be with. He doesn't care about you, all he wants is the money and the joy he gets out of hitting your fucked up kid. Don't think about trying to talk to me again because I am done with you. After everything that man had done, you still chose him over me"

She only looked at me, storming out of the kitchen. Dani looked at me, shock written all over her face. Not even I thought I would say things like that. It needed to be said though, I have kept that in for so long. I hated her and I honestly could not wait to leave.

After a few minutes, we heard the front door slam. Bye bitch.

"I've never heard you say anything like that before, I'm shocked," Dani said, looking at me

"I've kept it in for too long Dan. I've had enough of her treating me like shit. She even saw the bruises on my stomach that day and I had hoped she would change and leave him but she never did. She never will either. I'm going to leave the house for a few days, just to stay out of her way" I sighed

"Where will you go?"

"Stacie's? She said any time I needed to I could. Now is clearly a good time"

"Are you sure? Bec you're my sister and you know how much I worry about you" She said softly

"Yeah. I can't be in this house right now" I mumbled sadly

Dani agreed to let me know what was happening here. Carl has his trail in 2 days so I would stay away until I knew what was happening to him. He was supposed to get 18 months but they've had a rethink apparently? He gets away with everything and it annoys me so much! For once, can something go my way?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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