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It has been a few weeks since school started and it is still terrible, normally I am used to it after a few days but this year is stressful already, so much homework and also many tests. 'Preparing you for the adult world' as all the teachers are saying. Sorry, John but I do not need to know how to what p x c3 equals.

These past few weeks I have been confused by the new kid, Beca. She never spoke to anyone, not even the teacher. Sat on her own at break and lunch and always walked home alone. You normally make at least one friend but she just kept herself away from everyone. Teachers didn't seem to care because she did the work and homework they set and that is all the matters to them.

I, on the other hand, seemed to care and I have no idea why. I knew nothing about her yet I wanted to. I tried to talk to Beca a few times but she either walked away or just kept quiet. My thoughts were interrupted by the first bell. I had science, it was my favourite subject but I wasn't enjoying it this year, probably because my teacher was a total ass. Let's make it worse, it is a double lesson.

"Today I will be giving you the details of the project, it will be done in pairs but don't get your hopes up because I will be choosing your partners," Harp told us, making most people groan

"Parker and Ben.....Jacob and Emily" I kind of zoned out at this point

"Chloe and Chuck, then Tabitha and Beca"

Chuck. Anybody but him! He didn't even know what a kidney was!

"Can I swap? She doesn't even talk! How am I going to work with her" I heard Tabitha shout out

"Feel free to have Chuck! He will just make me do all the work" I stated, rolling my eyes

"Hey!" He said, clearly offended

"You know it is true," I told him and he just shrugged his shoulders

While Tabitha was trying to convince to swap partners I looked over at Beca, she didn't even seem to care. I thought it was a little rude to say it in front of the whole class but Tabitha is a bitch anyway. Well, I can't talk anyway as I said it out loud about Chuck but he will get over it quick enough.

"Alright! Chloe, I am swapping you and Tabitha over" He said

I just nodded, not bothering to say anything else. These next 2 weeks are going to be hard if she doesn't start talking. I am not doing it all on my own and I will make that clear to her after this lesson.

For the rest of the class Harp just went through what we had to do and the different ways we could present it.

"Right, so now you know everything about what you need to do. You can have the second half of this lesson to go off somewhere and discuss your projects. Do not think because I am letting you leave the classroom that you can just hang with your friends because I will be walking around the school to make sure" He told everyone

At least I didn't have to be in that classroom any longer. Everyone stood up, grabbing their bags and leaving to find somewhere to sit.

"We can go sit outside on the bleachers, it'll be quiet there," I said to Beca

She gave me a small nod and followed me out. There were two fields at this high-school. The football field and the 'Lunch field'. The lunch field is where pretty much the whole school sits in the break unless the weather is bad then it is the cafeteria. You were only allowed to sit on the bleachers, the football field is off limits to everyone unless it is being used for Gym Class and practice.

I knew most of our class would go to the lunch field and I didn't want Beca to feel too uncomfortable around them. It would be hard enough to do this project when she is alone, let alone with the whole class around us.

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