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It has been a week since Beca's incident. She hasn't been in school and I haven't heard from her, I am pretty worried so I think I am going to visit her house after school today. I was currently on my way to school, running 10 minutes late.

My favourite band had realised a new song so it was either miss the song or be late for school. I think we all know the obvious answer. (This was actually me before lmao....ended up with a detention but totally worth it!)

I walked into the main office, signing myself in as late and then headed to my first class which was English. Always fun when you hate your teacher. As I got into the classroom I noticed Beca sitting in her usual seat, a missive smile appeared on my face.

That disappeared when my teacher started complaining. When wasn't he complaining though?

"I don't appreciate you turning up 15 minutes later to my class Chloe" He grumbled

"Okay?" I said, making my way to my seat

"Don't you have anything to say?" He asked

"No? Like what"


"No? I don't really want to be here but I decided to turn up. Should be thankful" I mumbled, sitting down in my seat

He just glared at me before beginning to teach the lesson. I turned my head to look at Beca and she gave me a small smile, I was happy to see her, I really did miss her, not sure she felt the same but I didn't mind. We were getting on well at the moment and I hope it stays that way.

45 minutes later and the lesson had finished, I ran out before he could even finish his sentence about the homework, I did not need a lecture from him. I did wait down the hall for Beca though. Once I saw her I began to walk beside her to our science class.

"Can we talk in the break?" I asked

She nodded and I smiled. I knew she wouldn't talk, not in the hallway with other students around. I certainly didn't expect it after what had happened. I am pretty shocked she is back at school after what happened. All week I had it on my mind. Why did she do it? Did someone say things that no one knew about? I know life gets hard sometimes but she could have talked to me.


It was now lunchtime and I was sat with Beca at the bleachers. We didn't get to speak at break since our English teacher was wanting to talk to me. 'If you are ever that rude again then you'll be in serious trouble Chloe'.

Sack of wrinkles.

"How come you are back at school, it has only been a week" I sighed

"I didn't have a choice. That house isn't somewhere I want to spend all day. It is shit"

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" I asked

"One day I guess. It isn't something I want to remember"

"Why didn't you speak to me? I know we don't talk all the time but I am here for you"

"It's not that easy. Speaking out to someone isn't as simple as you might think. I felt alone and I didn't know who I could trust or who would care"

"I just want to make sure you're okay. I care about you" I told her

"I'll be fine" She shrugged

I didn't believe that. She wasn't fine and she always tried to tell me she was. I looked at Beca and she was about to say something until I heard Stacie shout my name and she immediately shut her mouth. I sighed knowing she probably wouldn't say much now. God, I wished she wasn't like this and I know it sounds rude but she deserves to be happy and it's clear, she isn't.

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