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Beca had just arrived at my house, she was just wearing some black skinny jeans and a Gucci hoodie. I gave her and a small smile and showed her into the dining area where we would be trying this project out. Let's hope she actually spoke today. We hadn't texted about it since Monday so we were kind of behind as we only have a week to finish this and write everything up. It should all go to plan though.

"So I looked at the project idea and we would need to go a store and buy some of the things to actually make it," I told her and she nodded

"I can drive us or we can walk?" I asked, hoping she would actually answer

"I-uh" She mumbled

He looked nervous to talk and I just wanted her to feel comfortable around me. I am not going to judge or hurt her if that is what she thinks,

"You don't have to be like this around me Beca. I am not going to judge you, I just want you to be able to trust me" I said

She sighed but looked at me.

"I can drive us," She said quietly

I could barely hear her but at least she actually spoke in front of me. For some reason that put a huge smile on my face.

"Okay, that's cool, Target?" I said and she nodded in agreement

We walked outside and I saw her car, she had an Audi sport. I had never seen her drive it to school, she always seemed to walk. If I had my own car I certainly wouldn't walk. Once I put my seat belt on she began to drive. I kept glancing at her the whole way. She is pretty.

Once we got to Target I grabbed a basket and we headed to get what we needed. I seen a few people from school here, they kept looking at us. I didn't mind but Beca looked a little awkward and on edge.

"Chloe, why are you with Beca? She doesn't talk, she has to be boring" They laughed but I just ignored them

I was going to pull Beca away but I remembered she is a very jumpy person so I didn't. I would never ask about her life when we don't even know anything about one another. I am going to try and talk with her more though, she seems interesting, I can just tell.

When we had gotten everything we needed we headed to the check-out. Before I could even get some money out I seen Beca paying. I smiled at her and we made our back to the car, driving away to my house.

"Don't listen to the people from our school. They judge people without getting to know them first" I said

She just shrugged and I sighed.


3 hours later, we had finally finished the project. I think we did pretty well if I do say so myself! Beca did speak a little more to me while we worked on this. She was very quiet though so she now just needs to come out her shell a little more.

"Well it is nearly 10 pm, shouldn't you be getting home? Your parents must be worried" I said

"They don't worry"

She sighed but gave me a small wave, heading out the door. She confuses me more every time I see her! Why wouldn't her parents worry? I know I probably shouldn't care or worry but I do and I can't not. There is something about that girl that makes me want to care. It is kind of strange that I feel the need to care about someone who I hardly know. I just want to see her smile.

After I had cleaned up the dining area and also the kitchen, I ended up making myself a little something to eat, I headed upstairs and into my room. Once I got changed into my comfy clothes I got into bed.

*Bold: Chloe Italics: Beca*

Thank you for coming round and doing the project, it was actually pretty fun

Welcome, I enjoyed being out of my house for a few hours

Do you not go out often?

Considering I have no friends, no I don't

Well I am your friend

We are only working on a project together, don't pretend to be my friend.

I am not pretending Beca

Why are you like this? Why are you pushing me away?

No reply. I just huffed, putting my phone on charge and then going to sleep. I knew she wouldn't reply and that annoyed me. Why wouldn't she just accept that I am willing to be her friend?!


"Chlo, you are going to be late!!" I heard my dad shout

He had Friday's off and right now I wished he didn't, I was tired and just wanted to lie in bed for longer. I sighed but rolled out of bed, getting myself ready for the day. At least it is the last day before the weekend!

When I arrived at school I seen Benji and Stacie talking by the main entrance. I walked over to them and they both smiled at me, saying a quick good morning.

"What were you talking about?" I asked

"I was just telling Benji that last night I heard shouting coming from Beca's driveway when I was on my way home with my sister," Stacie said

"Oh right" I said bluntly

What happened over there? I kept thinking it was my fault as we did end up finishing at 10 pm. Maybe I got Beca in trouble with her parents. I just ignored the voice in my head and made my way to my English class.

I noticed Beca was sitting in her usual seat, she looked annoyed. That is a first, she is only ever nervous. I didn't bother saying anything, she clearly didn't want to be friends with me so I wasn't going to try and make an effort, even if I did want to.

When the lesson was finally over I headed to Gym class. I think now would be a great time to get hit with a bus. Anything that involved running was just not fun. Emily had to practically drag me out of the changing area.

"So how did last night go, working on the project?"

"Pretty well, she finally started to speak to me which is good, getting somewhere but when I texted saying I was her friend she told me not to pretend," I told her

"I'm not surprised she is like that, the shit people say about her at this school is horrible" Emily sighed

"Yeah" I agreed

Before we could carry on talking our sport teacher blew a whistle.

"GET RUNNING!" She yelled

Jesus! She should start running, running the fuck away from me. I do not run!

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